All races are present in Skyrim. We can, however, draw conclusions from the patterns that emerge when the data we have on the sides players chose in the war is compared with the data on their political alignment, and the trends were stark and unambiguous. The liberals appear to be the dominant group here. Again, owing to the lack of random sampling, we cannot conclude from this that Skyrim players are primarily liberal. When the imperial city was sacked the emperor was asked to sign the provience to the Aldmeri Dominion; to avoid doing so he claimed Hammerfell was no longer a provience and the people their have since had to rule themselfs with out the Empire. it's not logical for anyone but nords to join the stormcloaks. Stormcloaks You can join up by visiting the headquarters in Windhelm, found in eastern edge of Skyrim. Stormcloaks are the worst possible choice for an Argonian, the leader of the Stormcloaks, Ulfric, is deeply suspicious of them, and allows them to be used as little more than slaves. "Body of a mortal born with the soul of a dragon", says nothing about being a Nord. And Yes, Stormcloaks can be bigoted and close minded but I side with their cause of fighting to free Skyrim from the Thalmor. Redguard - Citizens of Hammerfell; the redguard defended against the Aldmeri assaults well in the name of the Empire. To be fair the entire game and it's plot makes little sense to non-nords.
And with both Ulfric Stormcloak and the Last Dragonborn having the overpowered magic of the Thu'um at their disposal, untied, they stand more chance against the Thalmor as opposed to just 1 single Thu'um user if you join the Imperial Legion. In fact the only city that has given them even a taste of freedom is Riften, but they are as mistreated there as much as evryone else (lets face it Riften is a slum with a few grand buildings).