"Valkyria Chronicles 2- Aliasse of the Blue Light") , drawn by Daisuke Shido and serialised in Dengeki Maoh from June 2010 to 2011, in which the story follows the developing friendship between the Valkyrian Aliasse, and her Darcsen classmate Magari. A Darcsen with a strong sense of responsibility and the wherewithal to fulfill it.

Set in a fictitious continent reminiscent of the 1930s, Valkyria Chronicles depicts Europa, divided and ruled by two super powers: the Empire and the Federation. This is me sitting in enemy fire, wondering why I can't shoot. Then I realize what's happened.

She holds a master's degree in literature. Nadine (ネーディレス Nēdiresu) is a twenty-seven year old Squad 7 engineer who appears in the original Valkyria Chronicles videogame. Oh Herbert, I love ya man! The first one released was Valkyria Chronicles 2 Sōkō no Aliasse (戦場のヴァルキュリア2 蒼光のエイリアス, Senjō no Varukyuria 2 Sōkō no Eiriasu, lit.