Home › Stop Talking Trash and Start Recycling Your Coffee Cups In Your Blue Box! Sometimes, we want things to be recyclable, so we put them in the recycling bin. Unlike the foam cups, which can clog landfills and take a long time to decompose, the new cups are mostly recyclable.
How to Recycle Paper Cups Your classic to-go coffee or soda cup is designed for one-time use, but unfortunately recycling at this point is basically nonexistent in the U.S. That’s because all cups are lined with a thin coating of plastic that can’t be easily separated during the recycling process.

We know you love your coffee, but did you know that coffee cups are recyclable ? The Recycle A Cup® cutter works with the majority of coffee pod designs such as K-Cup® pods and similar brands.

Cartons have made a bit more progress on this front, and are now recyclable for about 30 percent of American households; coffee cups have some catching up to do. Recycle coffee cups at home with your containers to keep them out of our landfills, and allow them to be turned into everyday items like tissue and toilet paper. Cups are technically recyclable, something that some coffee companies actively promote on their packaging.

Are coffee cups recyclable or not?
UK coffee drinkers use around 3bn disposable cups per year – but only one in 1,000 is currently recycled. The coffee chain will eliminate polystyrene styrofoam cups in its global supply chain beginning in spring 2018, the company said Wednesday. Even though some coffee chains say that they have largely recyclable cups, the evidence presented was that most cups were not sent for recycling. There is a lot of confusion in this area from the industry and the consumer alike. Unfortunately, there is not a simple 'yes' or 'no' answer.

We have all done it: a greasy pizza box, a disposable coffee cup, the odd plastic bag.