Update: 2/27/14: Sub Katar information is added to reflect the latest class. Wondering how Eidolon in Aura Kingdom 2 helps you during the battle? A group of the best scout's will forsure have a stronger burn than the group of the best mages for example. There are a couple of ways that you can build out your Aura Kingdom Warbow. In this article, you will get a guide on Aura Kingdom 2 and the best tips and tricks with my personal amazing strategies which help you to level up in this game. This article will look at the classes and characters that the game has to offer so that you can choose the class that suits your game style the best. Let's get started! This guide is not going to be about theory crafting the mechanics behind the class but focus on understanding the skills, builds and your role in a battle. Eidolon(s) are the companion characters that you can add in the squad. Please continue to read our Aura Kingdom list of guides for more in game information. One of the significant features of Aura Kingdom is the class system. Here’s what you should know about the in-game classes and characters in Aura Kingdom 2. Whenever a skill is used, you will earn a Mark of Flame or Mark of Ice, depending on the type of skill. ... Perfect/Best Build for Scyth/Sorcerer Aura Kingdom. Speeding like a meteor across the sky, Duelists rush enemies with their razor-sharp dual blades before they have a chance to react. CLASSES. However, while it offers many features and aspects that have become increasingly common in MMORPGs, it also has an interesting gacha mechanic in the form of the Eidolon system, which allows you to summon companions in battle … Because of the charging mechanic of Warbow, speed becomes one of the more important stats for Warbow class compared to other DPS classes in Aura Kingdom. Auro Kingdom 2 is a brand new MMORPG game.
Once awakened, these ancient powers will suppress all those who stand against the wielder. If anyone knows the current state of the meta that would be much appreciated. A good player will likely beat a trash player playing a better class. Also, certain classes become more viable depending on how you build your party, but overall, this game is strongly dominated by physical DPS. Aura Kingdom 2 Guide: Tips, Cheats & strategies. Aura Kingdom 2 supports 4 distinct classes… The most generic between the main and sub class is the following: The cooldown on the sub weapon skills are 3x of … Perfect/Best Build for Scyth/Sorcerer Aura Kingdom. Generic Main / Sub Class Differences. On the surface, Aura Kingdom 2 seems like your run of the mill MMORPG game with the familiar grinding and learning curve we’ve come to expect from the genre. It is capable of harnessing the elemental powers of fire, ice, lightning, and darkness. Read on for Aura Kingdom 2 Eidolon guide for beginners – Eidolons, skills, talent, etc. A tremendous power sleeps within the Lance's mark.
Current class tier list New to the game and I haven't been able to find any up-to-date tier lists. The map of Aura Kingdom is one of the broadest, which allows players to spend time in incredible adventures, even in the very end stages of the game. Close-range specialists, these fleet-footed fighters combine acrobatics and a touch of magic to disorient and wear down even the strongest foes. If you have just started playing the Aura Kingdom 2, then you might be wondering what’s the role of Eidolon. Out of these builds, we recommend 30% natural speed cap / … The visual style of this universe is inspired by cartoonish anime stylistic, ideally suited to the gameplay and plot of the game.