Star Wars: Battlefront 2 is bringing players back to the Age of Rebellion and the original trilogy's era in an upcoming free update. Please do not add AT-STs to Original Trilogy CS. Star Wars Battlefront 2 Adding More Original Trilogy Maps. Sadly the other "Sequel Trilogy" Maps dont really work well. Since there wont be any Ship Phase, there isn't going to be a Trooper Only mode and AT-STs would just destroy the Rebels and render any Blaster Hero completely useless on maps such as Tatooine, not to mention the … Just a Glimpse of What Original Trilogy Capital Supremacy … I would gladly accept Original Trilogy maps in Capital Supremacy with no ship phase. Prequel Trilogy NABOO - GA Phase 1 KASHYYYK - GA Phase 1 KAMINO - GA Phases 2 & 3 Original Trilogy BESPIN - Whole/Blast Map YAVIN IV - GA Phases 2 & 3 ENDOR - 2nd Half of GA Phase 2 MOS EISLEY - GA Phases 1&2 Sequel Trilogy TAKODNA - Whole Map, Temple to Millennium Falcon. Original Trilogy Capital Supremacy: Capital Supremacy on Tatooine, Yavin IV, Hoth, Bespin and Endor. To spare DICE a lot of work, they could use existing Galactic Assault maps of the Original Trilogy, and just have it so you only have to capture Command Posts. - Capital Supremacy "Capital Supremacy is a 40 player non-linear game mode in DICE*'s* Star Wars Battlefront II based on capturing Command Posts and ultimately bringing down capital ships*.Capital Supremacy features* heroes*,* Reinforcements*, and* vehicles that can be spawned in." Battlefront 2 returns to the Rebellion in February.
r/StarWarsBattlefront: The subreddit dedicated to the discussion of the Star Wars: Battlefront franchise, ... 2.2k. Posted by 2 months ago. Back to Top Star Wars: Battlefront 2 adds original trilogy-era Supremacy maps – including Scarif Source.