Down syndrome (trisomy 21) is a genetic disorder.

A mother’s age at her child’s birth is the only factor linked to the risk of having a baby with Down syndrome. Common behavioral issues in children with Down syndrome include a short attention span, impulsive behavior, slow learning and poor judgment, states the University of Maryland Medical Center 3.
Children with Down syndrome may also wander, have attention problems, and show oppositional behavior or compulsive behavior, advises the National Down Syndrome Society 1 3 . A child with Down syndrome also may have heart defects and problems with vision and hearing. It includes certain birth defects, learning problems, and facial features.

Children with Down’s syndrome can be very sensitive to the feelings of others, and if the people around them feel angry or anxious, they may be picking up on these feelings.
Vegetative symptoms of disinterest with severe withdrawal and mutism, psychomotor retardation, decreased appetite, weight loss and insomnia …

Praise your child every time they behave well and ignore any behaviour you do not expect.

Depression in people with Down syndrome is rarely verbalised and commonly appears as crying, depressed appearance or mood lability.

behavioral characteristics of down syndrome