I am saying Feraligator is my pick. There are three starter Pokémon.
The first step on that journey is the selection of their first -- or starter -- Pokemon. Well given I got my Johto starters from Colosseum the first time around.
Choosing a Starter Pokemon: The Johto Region. Gen 7 introduced a move burn up which deals immense damage and causes the user to lose its fire typing. In the world of Pokemon every young boy or girl starts out more or less equal -- that is to say without a Pokemon and about to set out on their great adventure. Charizard wins hands down, but playing the games more and more and knowing what I know about em. The best starter in johto is typhlosion, not only in johto but might be the best starter ever. Johto Starters are the starter Pokémon belonging to the Johto region. Only two pokemon learn it, moltres and typhlosion. These Starter Pokémon first appeared in Pokémon Gold and Silver where Professor Elm allows the player character to choose one of them.
I picked based on their last evolved form. Johto starters in Gold, Silver, Crystal, Heart Gold and Soul Silver.