It does not operate trains over here in the UK, and most of us have only heard of it via these forums! Get unlimited train rides anytime and at any pace you like, with added discounts on different attractions. Travel days may be used consecutively or non-consecutively. 5 types of BritRail Pass to choose from. Obviously, I am unable to travel during the pandemic. For the trip that I was doing, whirlwind tour around England, the pass was perfect. The BritRail London Plus Pass is worth it for London visitors who: Are in London for a while, say, 2+ weeks; Want flexibility. Original review: May 13, 2020.

The pass will be mailed to you, so give it a couple of months to make sure you have it by time to leave. They're not BritRail staff - BritRail is merely a pass provider. I don't know how reservations work with a BritRail pass but I take the West Coast Mainline (London - Birmingham - Lancaster - Edinburgh) atleast once a week and I have seen trains ram-packed in the worst case … This deal cannot be combined with the "Family Pass" deal. The BritRail Pass is the most complete pass to visit England, Scotland and Wales. The likelihood is that BritRail is charging you an absurd amount for a degree of flexibility you don't really need. The BritRail Passes come in two forms. This allows for unlimited travel on any number of trains for each day of use. We are interested in visiting Brighton, Canterbury and Windsor.. From my online research I found that suggest we purchase a Britain M Pass (Sold only to NON UK travellers) and that I have to purchase the pass prior to my arrival in London. Reviews Overall rating (8) Train travel in the UK is faster, cheaper and easier than long distance road travel. Know the BritRail Pass Validities. They're not BritRail staff - BritRail is merely a pass provider. Also, I … British Rail travel with a BritRail Pass makes a lot of sense if your vacation plans involve crisscrossing the UK from one major city or region to another. Here are the Rick Steves website pages to purchase the Britrail pass. A BritRail Pass gives you the ability to travel across the entire National Rail network of Great Britain. They're not BritRail staff - BritRail is merely a pass provider. I note reviews on the BritRail website talk about "BritRail staff" on trains and at stations. BritRail GB Flexible Pass - travel anywhere in England, Wales and Scotland by rail. BritRail GB Consecutive Pass - travel anywhere in England, Wales and Scotland by rail for a consecutive number of days chosen by you. Discover the wonders of Great Britain by train with the BritRail Pass for either 2, 3, 4, 8, 15 or 22 consecutive travel days. There is no limit to the number of journeys you can make in this period. The Britrail Flexi Pass is a Flexi Pass valid for any 2, 3, 4 or 8 days within a 1 month period or any 15 days within a 2 month period.

britrail pass reviews