Search through local classified ads for pets, horses, business opportunities, jobs, autos and many more at They often are known as box ads, because they occupy a square or rectangular space, similar to a box, within a particular newspaper page. Submit classified ads to or call 502-471-2125. Line ads may be placed by phone or mail Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Payment in advance is required.

Note: Archives are currently off-line. All major credit cards accepted. Monday, June 15, 2020 ... Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. Post your classified now - online and in the next available print publication. For one price, your ad will appear online and in the print publications of the Boothbay Register and Wiscasset Newspaper. … 201 Devonshire Champaign, IL 61820 Phone: 217-351-5252 Email: Topics. Display ads typically run from one-eighth of a page up to one full page. Also check out the Saba News Archives. Click the button below, set your start date, enter your ad title and text, and complete online payment. In summary, these are 10 sample MLM Classified Ads you can use to promote your network marketing business in newspapers, trade journals, and magazines. These ads are quite prominent compared to classified text ads due to the format they follow. Check with Editor for access. The larger the space, the greater the expense. Phone: 573-468-6511 Fax: 573-468-4046. Find the latest Michigan Classifieds available from online classifieds and affiliated newspaper classifieds. Sullivan Independent News 411 Scottsdale Sullivan, MO 63080. Classified ads for Missoula and Western Montana ... Missoulian. Classified Display ads are available in two sizes: Single Column-Single column refers to ads that occupy only one news column in the classified pages which are about 3 centimetres in width.