"Granny" is a complex and horror game made by D.VLoper The same Creators of Slendrina! Granny 2. Welcome to Granny. Note: ♦It's like the original game but in minecraft! If you want to be in trend, you should try the game, especially because developers have a lot of interesting things to show to you.
♦Press Shift to Crouch. Granny Horror Game Play Online for Free Now.
33:04. If you drop something on the floor, Granny hears it and comes running. Grandmothers are supposed to be wise and respected, but not every elderly woman is like this. We have over 100,000 games. This map contains a lot of puzzles for you to solve and you should leave the house before the 5th day when granny chopps your head you ALIVE!
The game c… ♦Be quiet She Hears Everything! Its popularity is growing by the day and the recent update introduced new rooms in the house, additional weapons and the notorious Hard Mode that challenges you to make an escape from the old lady’s creepy manor with even less chances of success.
May 12, 2018 To survive You have to try to get out of his house, but be careful and quiet. 8 MAY 2018.
Granny keeps you locked in her house.
Now you have to try to get out of her house, but be careful and quiet. This horror game has a lot of followers, and since the last update their number is constantly growing.
This game may give you nightmares. UPDATES.
8 MAY 2018 9 MAY 2018 10 MAY 2018 11 MAY 2018 12 MAY 2018.
Welcome to Granny: Chapter Two. Dennis Vukanovic, known more commonly as DVloper, is the Swedish creator of Granny and the Slendrina series of games. You have 5 days. She hears everything. I BEAT THE GAME!! Ever since its debut in December, the new horror game called Granny 2 new part has become a hot trend.
7:29. Play Granny Games @ FreeGames.com.
The graphics in the game are clear and very nice for a mobile phone first person view game. Angry granny. If you want to get acquainted with a crazy granny, you may do it in the game, which has the corresponding name.
DVloper makes horror games with Unity, most often targeted at mobile platforms.
You can hide in wardrobes or under beds. If you drop something on the floor, she hears it and comes running. Granny hears everything as usual. Enter & play now!
You can hide in wardrobes or under beds. Granny - Horror Game [REMAKE] CREATION. | GRANNY (Horror Mobile Game) by Denis. Granny and Grandpa keeps you locked in his house this time. I BEAT THE GAME!! Daily videos of Roblox games and cat jokes Avatar made by: https://twitter.com/PitaoJervis Because of the granny’s look and the horror sound in the game, I don't recommend this game to kids. Grandpa doesn't hear very well but he hits hard. A PC port of Granny was released on the Steam platform on November 20th, 2018. Play millions of free games on your smartphone, tablet, computer, Xbox One, Oculus Rift, and more.