Before Before After Filter. Destiny 2 Help Forums Posted Date. In Destiny gibt es drei Klassen: Den Titan, den Warlock und den Jäger.Jede Klasse hat mehrere Subklassen, die verschiedene Fähigkeiten aufweisen. See you online.
At the end of the day, Destiny 2 is flexible enough that you can have a good time playing as any class. See you online. First of all, the hunter seems to me so much nerfed that it almost made me throw my ps4 on the window when fighting with Ghaul. Forums All Topics ; Destiny 2. Best pve class and subclass? Pauschal lässt sich.. Second of all, the Warlock it's pretty balanced class, but it feels like something is missing.
A list of our Destiny 2 best weapon recommendations in every weapon category, from best auto rifles to the best bows, hand cannons and scout rifles.
Destiny 2 steht vor der Tür und wieder einmal stellt sich die Frage „Welche Klasse ist die beste für euch?“.
I made a 355 hunter because I like the idea but in many fights or lost sectors I get destroyed like a carpet even if I have 4 mobility 5 resilience 5 recovery or 6 resilience with 4 recovery. I wanted to ask your opinion about the best class in the game. (new player) Hi I'm quite new to destiny. Destiny 2 – Klassen-Vorstellung in der Übersicht. Sometimes we include links to online retail stores.
r/destiny2: All about Destiny 2: The epic, online-only looter-shooter from Bungie, which launched in September of 2014.