Cultural diversity is an important concept to grasp during childhood. Teaching Diversity with Crafts and Activities. Include multicultural activities in your infant's play time to expand on their early understanding of other people. Building positive identities and a respect for differences means weaving diversity into the fabric of children's everyday lives. Diverse Dolls and Figurines for Block and Pretend Play Activities for Infants and Toddlers. Diversity activities teach young children to respect and celebrate the differences in all people. Teaching Diversity: A Place to Begin.
Kaplan offers a variety of materials that show racial and cultural diversity in a positive way: dress up clothing representing different countries and customs; puppets; small toy people; music, books and puzzles from varying cultures; and ethnic play food. Learning about different cultural aspects offers new experiences for children.
Use celebrations in your teachings. Your children can be a powerful influence on how to teach culture. Kelley Perkins, Ph.D. Here are 10 activities we have enjoyed. Some of the available posters show charming photos of infants of different skin colors reaching hands toward each other or sitting together looking with delight at a puppy or sniffing a pretty flower. Multicultural Activities for Infants. A 3-year-old is observant and blunt, and has no problem pointing out people’s differences, even if you are in the middle of the grocery store with a Saturday-size audience listening. Thankfully, Lakeshore has lots of amazing products that make teaching diversity fun and engaging for young children. Anti-Bias Activities for Toddlers. Learning to acknowledge diversity creates respect and helps turn children into caring adults who look for the richness in others. By Janet Gonzalez-Mena, Dora Pulido-Tobiassen. Only continue the activity if your child seems excited and entertained. By: Rosenya Faith 30 October, 2014. See more ideas about Diversity activities, Activities, Diversity. Throughout infancy children are gradually becoming self aware. Parents need to maintain a running dialogue with their children about the differences and similarities of others. INFANTS. More Diversity Printables; Printables, Grades 6-12. ... Diversity Activities Multicultural Activities Childcare Activities Creative Activities Infant Activities Family Activities Diversity In The Classroom Infant Classroom Preschool Lessons. Have posters of infants of many nationalities up on the walls of the nursery. Create in-depth discussions about the importance of diversity with these printables for grades 6-12. This is an activity that most caregivers of infants do instinctively, but – as with carrying and wearing a baby – rocking and swaying with an infant has more benefits than meets the eye! Be prepared to follow each activity with a provocative group discussion -- or hire an experienced team-building facilitator to tailor a program to your specific needs. It also helps them realize that we’re all humans, despite differences in how we look or dress, or what we eat or celebrate. Before those innocent observations develop into biases, teach toddlers to embrace differences. Team-building diversity games also can help participants appreciate the advantages that result when people with a variety of skill sets and personalities work together to get something done.
Introduce activities that teach your child to look beyond appearance when assessing a person. This collection of activities for infants and toddlers is perfect for children as young as six months and can be implemented for children up to ages two or three. In order to reap the many benefits of diversity, companies first need to foster inclusive cultures. Diversity and inclusion (D&I) have become amongst the hottest buzzwords of 2018, and while many companies are putting in their best efforts to get diversity right, it’s the experience they create for those diverse hires that tends to get neglected. This list includes affiliate links. Diversity Materials from Kaplan Early Learning Company. They are learning "what is me," and "what is not me." Upon introducing a new game or activity, follow your child’s lead. To start, I got this Children of the World Book Set. Tell your children that your family will be learning about different cultures. With that goal in mind, these are materials and diverse toys that help make diversity the norm, to bring multiculturalism into a homogenous classroom or to reflect the students, their families, and their experiences in a more diverse one. Here are 9 more fun ways to help kids appreciate diversity: For the littlest children, simply making sure they have the opportunity to see people in play who look different is a great place to start.