Cities by ZIP Code™ For more rapid delivery, please use the recommended or recognized city names whenever possible for this ZIP Code ™. Each postal code corresponds to a mail carrier route or RR, thus, when the letters are sorted by the postal code, they are assigned to a specific carrier.

Address format 207, 48 Bar Yehuda Nesher 36601 04-8205222 04-8205250 12 Bank Hapoalim B.M P.O.B.

Postal Codes in Iran consist of 10 1193653471 In general,the first digit represents forwarding code.the second digit represent zone.The third represents district.The fourth represents part.The fifth represents segment.The last four digits is Identification code . The postal code is written on the right hand side of the location's name, regardless of which language the address is written in. You can also do a reverse search and determine the address by entering the postal code. The Israel postal codes directory - an English translation. Jerusalem Area Code: 2.

Israel Phone Code: 972. Postal codes in Israel (Hebrew: מיקוד ‎, Mikud) are seven digit numeric postal codes in use in Israel.Each postal code corresponds to a mail carrier route or RR, thus, when the letters are sorted by the postal code, they are assigned to a specific carrier.

27, 50 … The following table is a list of postal codes in Vietnam (5 digits). 3450, 7 Jaboutinsky St Ramat Gan 52520 03-7559000 03-7559913 34 Arab Israel Bank Ltd P.O.B. Jerusalem Dial Code: +972 2 Army unit postal codes start with a 0 and are not changed even if a unit is roaming. Bank Code Name Address Town Zip Code Phone Fax 20 Mizrahi Tefahot Bank Ltd P.O.B. If you are searching for a local Israel postal code, the IsraelPost website offers a postal code directory service. Postal codes in Israel follow a specific pattern that begins in the northern region of the state, with the numbers growing incrementally for each additional area along that path. You can determine the postal code based on the street address or post-office box number (P O Box). Comprehensive list of the Kibbutzim of Israel and information about the Kibbutz movement. A map of the Vietnamese provinces. Israel's postal-code system follows the same type of numbering that is seen in other countries, with one exception.

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