Order your Shrek: As a Parody and a Romance paper at affordable prices with Live Paper Help! The movie Shrek introduces the satirical techniques of exaggeration, incongruity, reversal, and parody. The movie contained elements of an actual romance as well as it-parodied characters and situations in a romance. Satire in Shrek For my first post of the new year, I'm going to talk about examples of satire in the movie Shrek. Shrek can be categorized as a romance and also as a parody of a romance. I believe this because after discussing and looking at the examples I gave, the makers have chosen many presentational devices and detailed evidence to make the parody as real and as part of Shrek. And not made it difficult to
There are four types of satire: exaggeration, reversal, parody, and incongruity. Satire in Shrek We recently watched the movie Shrek looking for examples of satire. Parody “Alien” – When Puss in Boots comes bursting out from Shrek’s shirt in the film’s attack-in-the-woods scene, this gag is obviously parodying what poor John Hurt went through Ridley Scott’s 1979 horror sci-fi classic. Students brainstorm fairy tale characteristics, identify satirical techniques, then create their own satirical versions of fairy tales. The type of satire I saw the most was probably exageration or reversal.