→ waste Examples from the Corpus go to waste • And all that effort went to waste. go to waste To be unused or squandered. go to waste. Definition of go to waste. ‘Water is going to waste while others are without this vital commodity.’ ‘It was just a hobby, I didn't like to see anything going to waste.’ ‘The coffee harvest has been going to … • If no one else wants this, I'll eat it -- I hate to see good food go to waste. Take some of this food home with you so that it doesn't go to waste. : to not be used : to be wasted It's a shame to see all that food go to waste. WASTE something. All of our hard work will go to waste if the board rejects our proposal. See more. Go to waste definition, to consume, spend, or employ uselessly or without adequate return; use to no avail or profit; squander: to waste money; to waste words. if something goes to waste, it is not used Don’t let all this food go to waste. Go to waste definition: If something goes to waste , it remains unused or has to be thrown away . | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples