Although USB removable storage devices can be disabled but there are times when you need to access the files that are stored in pendrive. Select the radio button for Enabled and click on OK or Apply .
USB storage devices like flash drives and portable hard drives are great but pose a security risk when attached to your computer.
Now whenever you try to do write action on the USB drive, you will see “Destination Folder Access Denied.” To disable the write protection, simply select the Not Configured option in Step 4 and apply changes. Launch It also explains how to set exclusions for authorized USB drives. Here is how to disable write access to USB drives by making them read only.
Here's some ways to … Employees armed with a USB drive can easily copy or move data from the office computer to their removable drives. That’s it. 1.
How to Enable or Disable Write Access On USB Ports in Windows USB drives are a big concern for corporate organizations and employers. This article explains how to block all USB drives using DLP Endpoint and leave other USB types of hardware, such as the keyboard and mouse, unaffected. It's possible to write protect through software or deny access to a USB device with a few simple steps. To deny and disable write access for removable hard disk drives or USB flash drives, right click on Removable Disks: Deny write access in the right pane and select Properties.