Junk food needs to go. Hold and slowly, with control, return your knee back to the original position. Lift until your leg is almost at hip height. Butt Lift Challenge – Day 1. First, start out on your knees and forearms, doing a standard donkey kick on one leg. Lift your leg until your foot is facing the ceiling and your knee is parallel to the rest of your body. If you are eating a bad diet, exercise won't be enough to counteract the food's effects.

Stand with feet hip width apart holding gently onto the back of a chair. Keep your right knee bent at 90 degrees as you lift your right leg away from your body, then rotate your leg until your knee is behind your body in a donkey kick position. Try 3 … Bend your left knee slightly so that it can stabilize you. “How to lift your butt in one week?” “I want to perk up my butt in 7 days, what should I do?” “I want a no-squat bigger butt workout routine” Well, today your requests will be answered with this post as we will go in details about the 3 butt workouts that you will be doing to provide you with the maximum and fastest results as possible. Return to start. For today: Donkey Kick Ladders- This is a two part exercise. Lower your right leg down until your toes almost touch the ground and then repeat the exercise. It's unlikely that you will be able to tone your butt fast with exercise alone. Lift your right leg straight back with your foot flexed. The problem with fast food is that it contains a lot of fat and calories, but it also contains lots of sodium. Take a before picture to measure your progress! Clear your mind of all negativity, self doubt, or insecurity because this is YOUR WEEK and you are going to ATTACK IT!

how to lift your buttocks in a week