Around 2.5bn coffee cups are thrown away every year in the UK alone – that’s seven million a day! Here are my five favorite ways to reduce your personal plastic footprint. Plastic packaging is so ubiquitous these days that it’s difficult to avoid, but often not necessary. These are just a few small steps you can take to reduce your plastic footprint.

Eight million tonnes of plastic end up in our oceans every year, killing and harming marine life. Thanks for explaining some ways to reduce your plastic footprint. Here's a few simple ways you can reduce your plastic footprint: 1. The carbon footprint of an individual is the amount of emissions caused by his activities, expressed in carbon dioxide equivalent. It’s good to know that you should try to rent before buying new durable plastic products. Reducing our reliance on plastic and in particular, single-use plastic, is one of the biggest and most important things we can do collectively to make our world a better place. Footage from Blue Planet II, Sky’s Ocean Rescue and Greenpeace, among others have highlighted the devastating impact that our throw away life styles have had and are continuing to have on our planet. Plastic pollution is a very real and burgeoning threat to our health and environment. Straws come in nearly every restaurant drink and almost impossible to recycle. How to Reduce the Carbon Footprint of Your Water Bottles?
Additionally, reducing your plastic footprint is a good way to also reduce your carbon footprint because producing plastic creates carbon dioxide.

Below are 6 recycling methods for specific products to reduce your carbon footprint. Here are five ways to reduce your carbon footprint. If you want to reduce your plastic footprint, there are many ways to do so. 2. We all have a responsibility to reduce plastic on our planet. [1] But when it comes to Christmas, a lot of people struggle to know what they can and can’t throw into the recycling bin. Recycling waste materials is better than landfilling them, but the best option is to not generate plastic waste at all. Please, let’s start by eliminating and reducing single-use plastics in our lives. There are lots of actionable steps you can take to save the planet from an ever-changing climate. Take action on your weekly shop! How to Reduce Your Plastic Footprint in 2020 From the toothbrush we brush with to the spoons we eat with, we can’t go a day without the involvement of plastics. There are many reasons to reduce your plastic footprint and this article will tell you how you can do it!

Say no to plastic drinks straws 4. Knowing what you can and can’t recycle is hard enough on a daily basis. If you want to make a positive impact on the amount of plastic in the environment, reducing your plastic footprint is a good way to do it. Since the 50’s only 9% of plastic has … These are the buzz words that will assist you in reducing your plastic footprint in 2020. Plastic waste is harming the environment in countless ways from adding to greenhouse gas emissions to destroying life under water. 1. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Many companies now provide plastic-free alternatives – for example, cosmetics company Lush sells shampoo in a solid bar rather than a liquid, which the company estimates saves almost 6 million plastic bottles per year.
According to The Economist, we now create 380 million tonnes per year of global plastic production. These are 10 simple ways you can reduce your plastic footprint. Take action on plastic … We will look at some of the basic things you can start with to reduce plastic pollution in the world. 1. This post is also available in: Español A new study published in Nature Climate Change explores ways to cut the carbon footprint of plastic. Plastic water bottles are so popular around the world that around 1 million bottles are bought and sold every minute.

My Little Plastic Footprint is an app that helps you reduce your plastic footprint by going on a plastic diet. 1. learn the 5 R’s: refuse, reduce, reuse, rot, recycle: Going zero waste is a great step towards combating climate change. Reduce, reuse and recycle. 3. Skip the single-use straw or use a bio-degradable/reusable one.

how to reduce plastic footprint