Independent magazine for cutting edge fashion, music, opinion and culture. Go us. FLUX was launched as a fanzine in Manchester in 1997. Berlin based. Share; Tweet; 50 Photos. Whether you’re looking for what to wear right now or the hottest designer items on the horizon, Harper's Bazaar is packed with a variety of styles to suit every woman and glamorous occasion. Having sifted through the thousands of responses, we've selected 100 amazing independent fashion brands to profile. If the number of independent fashion publications crowding the shelves of New York’s newsstands is anything to go by, reports of the death of print would seem to be greatly exaggerated. FLUX is a spirited, independent fashion, music and arts magazine featuring the best, living, breathing culture from the UK & across the globe. Bi-annually in print. The UK, it seems, is full to the rafters with incredible independent brands. An A-Z Guide to Indie Fashion Magazines Share. A fashion-first magazine, Harper's Bazaar features contemporary fashion for the professional, elegant socialite. It evolved into a high end style and culture magazine distributed across the UK and beyond. Top 10 UK indie magazine stores We asked our independent mags what their favourite stores are, then put them together in a beautiful blog post so you can locate them easily.