u/Purpledazed. Interstellar (2014) Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain Click here for more: https://imdb.to/2NeOXTU. So, if you're standing … Science ABC 5,009,719 views. To get that, you’d apparently need to be at the event horizon of a black hole. In the process there was time travel, wormholes, black holes and other troubles that sci-fi fans would gawk at. The time dilation on that planet—one hour equals 7 Earth years—seems extreme. Could you elaborate? After watching Interstellar for the 5th or 6th time yesterday I was once again blown away by the film and the soundtrack. 7 thoughts on “The Warped Science of Interstellar (4/6) : Time dilation and Penrose process” Rene says: November 24, 2018 at 1:42 pm I don’t understand where the big fraction in the formulat for the 1hour 7 years time dilation comes from. ELI5- Someone please explain the time dilation theory. I remembered comments saying … Brahma laughed loudly, and explained that time runs differently on different planes of existence, and that during the short time they had waited in Brahma-loka to see him, 27 catur-yugas (a cycle of four yugas, totalling 108 yugas, or Ages of Man) had passed on earth. Reply. Yes. The first planet they visit in the film experiences severe time dilation as a result of it's close proximity to the black hole Gargantua. Time Dilation. The sci-fi epic "Interstellar" is just a movie, but it throws a lot of science on the screen for space geeks to sink their teeth into. (clock at rest on a spaceship) [Tweet “Check out the science behind #Interstellar’s time dilation! If you're curious, the equation for time dilation is actually surprisingly simple: Δt' = Δt / √( 1 - v 2 / c 2) Where t' is an observer's time "speed," t is a traveler's time "speed," and v is velocity in terms of c. The closer v gets to c the slower time moves. 5 years ago. log in sign up. It’s very tiny, but time really does run just a tiny tiny bit slower on a plane. - Duration: 8:15. The film "Interstellar" relies on real science for many of its stunning visuals. Gravitational Time Dilation. 0. So, a couple of months ago, I got my housemate to sit down and watch Inception (my all time favourite) and she enjoyed it. In general relativity, it is considered to be a difference in the passage of proper time at different positions as described by a metric tensor of spacetime. In the movie Interstellar, Miller's planet is so close to the black hole that it experiences severe time dilation - one hour on the planet is seven years for every one else. #timetravel “] Length Contraction. So, a couple of months ago, I got my housemate to sit down and watch Inception (my all time favourite) and she enjoyed it. There’s even an equation for time dilation. However, Brahma comforted him, and added that Vishnu, the preserver, was currently incarnate on earth in the forms of Krishna and Balarama, and he recommended Balarama as a worthy husband for Revati.Kakudmi and Revati then returned to earth which they regarded as having left only just a short … Interstellar – Miller’s Water Planet Explained and How Time Dilation Worked September 22, 2018 2 Mins Read For those who have seen Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar film, you probably already know that Miller’s planet is a water-world, and the first planet in the system orbiting Gargantua. The reason why time runs differently on the planet Miller is primarily because of the extreme gravity of the black-hole Gargantua.