Weather in Istanbul in May 2020. Daytime maximum temperatures average around 21°C (69°F), whilst at night 12°C (53°F) is normal. Istanbul Weather: May. Average Day Temperature: 73.7°F: Average Night Temperature: 63.2°F: Sea Water Temperature: 61.9°F: Number of Sunny Days: 22 days: Sunshine Hours: 14.0 - 14.9 hours: Number of Rainy Days: 2 days: Precipitation Totals: 1.3 in: detailed information : 14 day weather forecast. ☂ Online precipitation map and other weather maps. Average Weather during May in Istanbul (Marmara Region), Turkey The average minimum temperature (usually the minimum temperature is noted during the night) in Istanbul in May is 12.0°C (53.6°F). May is sunny and beautiful as the spring blooms over Istanbul.The 14-hour days host the sun for a daily 8.5 hours. Weather in Istanbul in May: air temperature, number of sunny days, precipitation, air pressure and humidity. May is in the spring in İstanbul and is typically the 5th warmest month of the year. Istanbul weather in May 2021. World Resorts Turkey Istanbul Weather May Weather in Istanbul. Daytime maximum temperatures average around 21°C (69°F), whilst at night 12°C (53°F) is normal. Average Day Temperature: 73.7°F: Average Night Temperature: 63.2°F: Sea Water Temperature: 61.9°F: Number of Sunny Days: 22 days: Sunshine Hours: 14.0 - 14.9 hours: Number of Rainy Days: 2 days: Precipitation Totals: 1.3 in: detailed information : 14 day weather forecast. Weather forecast in mobile app. Istanbul Weather: May. Istanbul is situated in Mediterranean climate zone that typically has warm or hot summer with mild rains and soft but rainy winter. Istanbul Weather: May. Information about regional climates. The clearest day of the month is May 31, with clear, mostly clear, or partly cloudy conditions 72% of the time. Average Day Temperature: 73.3°F: Average Night Temperature: 63.2°F: Sea Water Temperature: 61.9°F: Number of Sunny Days: 21 days: Sunshine Hours: 14.0 - 14.9 hours: Number of Rainy Days: 3 days: Precipitation Totals: 1.4 in: detailed information: 14 day weather forecast. The weather in Istanbul in the month of may comes from statistical datas on the last years. You can view the weather statistics for the whole month, but also by using the tabs for the beginning, the middle and the end of the month. Get the monthly weather forecast for Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey, including daily high/low, historical averages, to help you plan ahead. By the end of the month, it should feel much more summery and a little sunbathing may even be possible. The amount of rain in May is normal with an average of 38mm (1.5in). Daytime maximum temperatures average around 21°C (69°F), whilst at night 12°C (53°F) is normal. Read an overview of the climate. What's the Weather like in Istanbul in May Temperature The end of spring in Istanbul, May sees pleasantly warm temperatures, lower rainfall averages and a gradually increasing number of sunshine hours.
World Resorts Turkey Istanbul Weather May Weather in Istanbul. Temperature of water and air, precipitation, amount of days with rain and advice on the best time to visit Istanbul. Montly weather forecast in Istanbul on Yandex.Weather. The month of May in İstanbul experiences decreasing cloud cover, with the percentage of time that the sky is overcast or mostly cloudy decreasing from 40% to 28%. Istanbul Weather May. Will start out in Istanbul and end up in Cappadocia. May is in the spring in İstanbul and is typically the 5th warmest month of the year. Weather in Istanbul in may 2021. World Resorts Turkey Istanbul Weather May Weather in Istanbul. The temperatures are in the comfortable 12.2°C (54°F) to 20°C (68°F) range as the bright conditions bring joy to the city. Travel guide and advices.
Answer 1 of 3: I will be traveling thru Turkey in May. Get the latest coronavirus (COVID-19) updates for Turkey with current travel advice, statistics and online resources. Weather phenomena recorded in previous years in Istanbul ☃ Water Temperature in localities in Istanbul ☀ Weather forecast for Istanbul in May ☔. To help you choose the best time to travel, you can find climate data below on the weather in Istanbul in May. Does anyone know what the weather is like at that time of year. Will I need to have different layers for the two main stops.
Istanbul in May 2020 (Top 10 Things to Do & See, Weather, Festivals) Last Updated on February 27, 2020 May can be considered as the unofficial start of the summer in Istanbul , and with an average temperature of 20°C and precipitation 34 mm. Daytime maximum temperatures average around 21°C (69°F), whilst at night 12°C (53°F) is normal.
Weather ☀ ⛅ Turkey ☀ ⛅ May ☀ ⛅ Information on temperature, sunshine hours, water temperature & rainfall in May for Turkey. May is great for city sightseeing and museum hopping, staying outdoors, and a good month for some popular festivals and events.