On the research of disappeared “Garibaldini” Fallen Italian soldiers in the First and Second World War See the section FamilySearch Historical Record Collections for a list of published collections.
Italian Catholic Parish Records Catholic parish records from Italy are harder to find online, but the parish records often extend much farther back than Italian civil records. Parrocchie.it - is a database of parishes throughout Italy is born and develops as an open project and no-profit.
In the left menu select the region that interests us in the Mappa Parrocchia. ParrocchieWeb (Web Parishes) - Another Italian portal offers a map of parishes with records of parishes have a website organized by region. Access the Records: This article contains information about records in multiple collections. Others Records.
Italian Catholic Church Records by Giorgio Alessandri It's interesting to talk briefly about the main historical changes of parish documents over time. Italian Archives online Resources available online on the Antenati Portal are mostly civil records, though parish records are included as well for central and Northern Italy, where civil records were introduced for a short time under the Napoleonic occupation (1806-1814). Ever since the Council of Trento decided in 1565 that parish priests should keep a record of the baptisms, marriages, and deaths of all their parishioners, faithful clergy have been keeping these records.
Italian census records available online Italian Cadastres with information about landowners available online Historical database of Friulian families Births from 1815 to 1923 in Trentino Military records available on line and in LDS microfilm Italian Virtual Cemeteries. Parish priests used to record the most important events in the spiritual lives of the parish members. : Italy: Flag of Italy Map of Italy Record Description