Following its collapse in 2018, the volcano lost about two-thirds of its height and three-quarters of its mass.
An eruption at Krakatoa on June 19, 1950. The famed and feared volcano blew its top Friday night, and it was loud enough that people 100 miles away in Jakarta, Indonesia reported hearing it. With Joseph Cotten, Graham McNamee. Indonesians took to social media to report hearing the mountains rumblings on Friday night and into Saturday morning.
Krakatoa is at it again, a massive overnight eruption — the largest since 2018’s deadly blast — threw ash miles into the air, and put on a wicked light show.. Indonesia’s Anak Krakatau dramatic night eruption. Anak Krakatoa erupted late last night, sending a massive plume of smoke and ash as high as 500 meters above the volcano’s peak. Indonesia’s Center for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation (PVMBG) confirmed in a statement issued today that the volcano erupted between 9:58pm and 10.35pm last night. Volcano Sinabung Pyroclastic flow 1080p; Volcano Sakurajima 桜島 Plume – 18/09/2019 10:48 JST (fast mode) Documentary describing the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa in the Dutch East Indies, destroying 70% of the island and its surrounding archipelago. The volcanic mountain Rawoon, distant 20 miles from Bangorngie, has also been in active eruption, emitting huge volumes of smoke. Anak Krakatau (Child of Krakatau) volcano began erupting last night - Friday, April 10, 2020 - according to clocks in Indonesia. Dr Kayla Lacovino, a volcanologist at Nasa, on Friday night tweeted: “Krakatoa volcano is erupting RIGHT NOW! The volcano, which had been undergoing stuttering minor eruptions since June, is a by-product of the infamous 1883 Krakatoa eruption, which killed more than 36,000 people and left …