The difference is in the methods and the structure of the relationship between coach and client (or mentor and protégé). As a life coach you are similar to a sports coach, except you’re helping people succeed in the game of life. If you're a professional Business or Life Coach or you're interested in becoming one, the SCM Coaching Blog covers topics you may want to know about: How to Become a Business or Life Coach, Grow a Successful Coaching Business, Get Coach Training and/or Business and Life Coach Certification, Become a Coaching Master and Evolve Your Life and Business. Coaching, on the other hand, is for a … In coaching, the focus is on the client, and on helping them tap into their own ability to solve the problems and challenges that emerge in work and life. Mentoring vs. coaching. Coach imparts coaching, but a mentor provides mentoring. Ray, founder of, is a business coach and life mentor. Coaches who studied under these certifications get training and mentoring. Here I share with you my experience of life coach vs mentor, as well as a compiled summary based on what's there in the industry (people I speak to) and what's on the internet. While coaching, counseling and mentoring are all similar (ie. “What’s the difference between a health coach, a wellness coach and a life coach?” And to be honest, I can understand people’s frustrations when it comes to trying to differentiate between all three but especially when comparing a health coach with a wellness coach. Life Coach vs. Therapist One of the most common misconceptions about life coaching is that it is therapy in disguise — or, worse yet, therapy from an unlicensed practitioner. What are the Proven Benefits of Life Coaching and Mentoring? Life Coach vs. Therapist One of the most common misconceptions about life coaching is that it is therapy in disguise — or, worse yet, therapy from an unlicensed practitioner. Coaching vs mentoring — Convergence The introspective process of self-discovery (life coaching) supported by the coach is then necessarily rooted in their personal insights and experience. He is currently developing a Life Mentoring community and accreditation framework, but in the meantime he’d love to hear from you!
The Coaching Blog. Coaching is well planned and structured while Mentoring is an informal one. But, like water and air, they both contribute to your success in very different ways! To sum up the difference between a mentor and a coach, here are some specific points of differentiation: Mentoring is a long-term process based on mutual trust and respect. While coaching, counseling and mentoring are all similar (ie. Mentoring and coaching both play an important role in today’s workplace.
Just as a life coach can help you formulate a plan to make a significant change in your life, therapy can help you develop a strategy to handle a current hardship you may be facing.