Live Edge Wood Slabs. On occasion, to maximize quality and figure, the log will be rotated while being cut. Wood slabs without live-edge are like any wide piece of wood and require virtually the same technique to finish.

West Wind is proud to offer an exciting assortment of hardwood slabs. These domestic species live edge slabs exude warmth, character and tradition. We are South Florida’s Largest Supplier of Exotic and Natural Live Edge Wood Slabs for furniture with rustic, spalted, modern and antique properties. You may shuttle back and forth from curly koa wood to driftwood and from live edge wood slabs with resin-filled cracks to those that are raw from nature. Located in New Palestine, IN, Hood Farms and Sawmill offers a variety of locally-harvested products including live edge wood slabs for sale, grass fed beef, kiln-dried lumber, and seasoned firewood. These trees have a lot in common with White Oak, but differ in color. So, if your project only involves this, then you’re set! Whether it be a fireplace mantle, dinning room table, boardroom table, coffee table or wall mount these slabs are ready to be transformed. Woods and Slabs has a variety of species of unique live edge slabs available through our Naples, Florida product showroom and ready to purchase online for your convenience. Our kiln dried wood is a premium product for an affordable price.

The rich textures and colors of inexpensive live edge wood for sale on eBay means that your choices are vast. Usually this involves cutting the log from side to side, producing the live edges. Available on Special Order. “IF YOUR FURNITURE IS NOT LIVING ON THE EDGE, THEN IT’S JUST TAKING UP SPACE!”.

Our live edge slabs are slowly air dried for a minimum of one year before being kiln dried to preserve the quality of the slab and prevent it from warping, bowing or checking. Our live edge slabs are then sanded smooth and a sealer is applied to preserve the quality of the slab in storage.

PONDEROSA WOODSLABS is conveniently located in North Miami, FL at the corner of NW 7th Avenue (US 441) and 150th Street.

The result is a live edge slab of wood that floats gracefully next to the bed, providing space for a book, glasses, and a small vase of flowers--the perfect gift for a favored cousin.
Live Edge Woods: Enjoy Nature in the Raw.

Contact us to schedule a visit or place an order!

Live edge pieces are typically used for dining room and conference tables, desks, counter tops, shelving, and coffee bars and tables. The tree doesn’t succumb to seasonal changes and is a common species throughout much of the southern United States. Live Oak Wood Slabs Live Oak is named such because it remains green year-round. Our live-edge slabs are sawn as flitches – Meaning slabs ( boards) from a single log are cut and stored together. Source : DIY live edge wood hanging table from Caitlin and Manda at The Merry Thought

This enables the customer to buy slabs with matching grain and color ( flitch-matched/ book-matched).

live wood slab