Jarrad is a fitness enthusiast.
The guy had been already mentioned in the Guinness Book of Records for the maximum number of pull-ups. Stay safe and healthy. Read also: Oops, he did it again. Maksim is a multiple Guinness World Record title holder in the field of strength and fitness record attempts. Some time after this record, Guinness stopped recording non-stop push-up records (no rest periods allowed) and instead started recording most push-ups in 24 hours with as many rest periods … WORLD RECORD LIST New record claims for this list are welcome! 31 May 2020. Giuliano Stroe is an breackrecords ,he is an kid have 8 years old and he is the most strongest kid Until that time, I was convinced that records could only be broken by small increments. Gym Director Cy Platt of the Victory Gymnastics Academy performed 10 muscle-up exercises while wearing a snorkeling mask, snorkel, and fins. The most consecutive ring muscles ups is 18 and was achieved by Maksim Trukhonovets (Belarus) in Minsk, Belarus on 31 May 2020. All records listed on our website are current and up-to-date. WORLD RECORDS. The most push ups in one hour (male) is 2,806 and was achieved by Jarrad Young (Australia) at Matrix Boxing Gym, Queensland, Australia, on 31 August 2018.
The most consecutive muscle ups is 26, achieved by Maksim Trukhonovets (Belarus) in Minsk, Belarus, on 17 March 2018. How great was an open question. non-stop: 10,507; Minoru Yoshida (JPN), Oct 1980 DETAILS non-stop (women): 808 (without leaving the push-up position) by Mia Hepburn (Canada) on 21 January 2017 at the Golden Tiger School of Kung Fu in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. Nov 14, 2013 - GUINNESS WORLD RECORD MUSCLE UPS OFFICIAL VIDEO - YouTube. The Muscle Up World Record rules set out by Guinness are very precise and stipulate strict form, disallowing kipping or swinging the knees for momentum or resting at the top of the bar between reps. The most push ups in one hour (male) is 2,806 and was achieved by Jarrad Young (Australia) at Matrix Boxing Gym, Queensland, Australia, on 31 August 2018. He's most well known for his frequent appearances at the famous Bondi Beach outdoor training park, training with other locals who sport tanned bods and 6 pack abs as a testament to their grueling training regimes. Muscle ups are Maksim’s favourite exercise. When. one year: 1,500,230; Paddy Doyle (GBR), Oct 1988 - Oct 1989; 24 hours: 46,001; Charles Servizio (USA), 24/25 April 1993 at Hesperia VIDEO Please practice hand-washing and social distancing, and … Jarrad is a fitness enthusiast. For a full list of record titles, please use our Record Application Search. The summer before, I read the Guinness Book of World Records. The world record for the most number of non-stop push-ups is 10,507 by Minoru Yoshida of Japan, which was achieved in October 1980, breaking the record of 7,650 by Henry C. Marshal (USA) from 1977. All records … Whether you can chin up, muscle up or barely even get up, we can all learn a thing or two from four time World Record holder, Marcus Bondi.
If possible, please contact us BEFORE your record attempt.
This is a list of world records in Olympic weightlifting.These records are maintained in each weight class for the snatch lift, clean and jerk lift, and the total for both lifts.. All records listed on our website are current and up-to-date.
Nov 14, 2013 - GUINNESS WORLD RECORD MUSCLE UPS OFFICIAL VIDEO - YouTube. Muscle ups are Maksim’s favourite exercise. All records listed on our website are current and up-to-date. To submit a record claim to Guinness World Records as well, please contact Guinness World Records using their web site. The International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) restructured its weight classes in 1993, 1998 and 2018, nullifying earlier records.