This game developed by and publish by EA Sports.
Ini dikembangkan oleh EA Sports.'s game information and ROM (ISO) download page for NBA Live 06 (Nintendo Gamecube).
Game File : NBA Live 06 (Europe) GameCube ISO Game Size : 950.5MB Game Console : GameCube Game Region : Europe Game Genre : Sports, Simulation Game Release Date : NBA Live 06 (Europe) GameCube ISO Credits NBA Live 06 (Europe) GameCube ISO Guides NBA Live 06 (Europe) GameCube ISO Cheats NBA Live 06 (Europe) GameCube ISO Guides NBA Live 06 (Europe) GameCube ISO Trophies NBA Live 06 … NBA Live 06 is a popular PlayStation PSP Video Game and now you can play this game on android using PPSSPP android emulator. NBA Live 06 is a Sports game for the PlayStation 2. Download NBA Live 06 (USA) ROM / ISO for PlayStation 2 (PS2) from Rom Hustler. File: NBA_Live_06_USA_PSP-ARTiSAN.7z CRC-32: f35881d3 NBA Live 06 is a 2005 installment of the NBA Live series released on the Xbox, Xbox 360, Nintendo GameCube, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 2 … NBA Live 06 ISO is available in the USA version on this website. NBA Live 06 is a GameCube emulator game that you can download to your computer and enjoy it by yourself or with your friends.NBA Live 06 file size - 1.0GB is absolutely safe because was tested by most trusted antiviruses.
100% Fast Download.
NBA Live 06 is a Basketball video game published by Electronic Arts released on October 4, 2005 for the PlayStation Portable. “NBA Live 06” is the next version in the basketball theme of “EA Sports.” Although only giving players small arenas, the atmosphere is nothing less vibrant and exciting. Video NBA Live 06 Nintendo GameCube: NBA Live 06 adalah permainan video bola basket dari seri NBA Live yang dirilis pada Xbox, Xbox 360, Nintendo GameCube, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 2 dan Mobile. With the NBA LIVE 06 advancements in gameplay and enhanced player graphics, the NBA's superstars look and play more like their real-life counterparts than ever before. Each match will have ten players divided into two teams, competing against each other.
Screenshots: PS2 ISO are playable on PC with PCSX2