Civilian Relocation PCS Entitlements. Figuring Your PCS/OCONUS Travel Expenses However, if the travel lasts a total of 12 hours or less, you may not be eligible for reimbursement of travel expenses. For ETS, RETIREMENT or SEPARATION ORDERS, contact the Transition Center. DEFINITION OF HOME LEAVE: Home leave is a leave category available to employees who are permanently assigned to an overseas area, were originally recruited for an overseas assignment from the United States (including its territories or possessions), and have completed a one-time requirement of 24 months of continuous service abroad.
dependent from taking COT leave between the tours OCONUS and in connection with PCS travel (if any). When taking home leave in conjunction with Renewal Agreement Travel (RAT) the travel time to and from the employee's home of record or other single authorized point is not chargeable to leave. That is what the AVAIL date is for. 1 Ch 3 Part A Sec C authorizes you for travel days. - Leave en route OCONUS PCS? A3. Defense has issued updated travel restrictions for both international and domestic travel. PERMANENT CHANGE OF STATION (PCS) TRANSFER ORDER EXECUTION. Copies of your orders can be acquired through the following: For PCS ORDERS, contact your servicing S-1. d. Home Leave. Please ensure all questions on the PCS Request Worksheet are answered because it serves as the source document for your PCS order. All DoD service members and civilians, and their family members will stop all official travel – such as Permanent Change of Station or Temporary Duty – … The arduous process of compiling and completing all the necessary requirements for moving overseas was so tedious that we were elated when we finally arrived last summer. Seems kinda shitty since I'm sure you'll want to see family before leaving but that's just how it is. PCS Travel Allowances. OCONUS PCS Outprocessing Checklist; Leave forms are generated through your unit S1. We just took 10 days leave to visit family before flying. 1320-308 CH-19, 29 May 2007 Page 1 of 9 MILPERSMAN 1320-308 . Government civilians performing PCS moves are eligible for entitlements to help them with the move. Soon after arriving to the island, we settled into temporary lodging on base and eventually received an […] c. When the Service member is required to traverse CONUS in connection with PCS, requests for deferred leave travel must be forwarded to: (1) PERS-40CC for enlisted personnel, and (2) PERS-451 via cognizant detailer for officers. Manager (link to website will be provided by a staffing specialist) to complete the PCS Request Worksheet and the applicable Transportation Agreement -- DD Form 1617 (OCONUS) or 1618 (CONUS) . Who do the travel restrictions apply to? I believe we were given 1 day for travel which is just your flight day. Preparing for an OCONUS PCS is a significant amount of work. Travel restrictions outside the continental U.S. Leave en route OCONUS PCS? To see how early you can leave to go there because of scheduling conflicts with airlines and everything else. Leaves and Passes This rapid action revision, dated 4 August 2011--o Implements the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Repeal Act of 2010 in the area of policy for payment of accrued leave by deleting all references to separation for homosexuality or homosexual conduct (rescinded paras 2-4h(1)(d) and 2-4h(2)(c)). You can travel from your old duty station to the new one via common carrier (air, rail, etc.) When you travel from CONUS to OCONUS, travel will not give you plane tickets for you to leave 60 days prior to your report date. When we moved to Germany we got 10 days but my husband had to take leave those 10 days. Army National Guard: Active Duty Under Title 10 USC or Title 32 USC (Full-Time National Guard Duty) Benefit Fact Sheet. ONLINE ETS BRIEF. This order applies to foreign travel, permanent change of … Responsible Office NAVPERSCOM (PERS-451) Phone: DSN COM Previous Topic Next Topic: ut2ge #1 Posted : Friday, June 20, 2008 12:16:02 AM ... Federal Soup » CAREER PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT » Federal Career Planning and Development » Leave en route OCONUS PCS? Options. AR 600-8-10 Sec 5-37 allows you 4 days of proceed time, going OCONUS to CONUS for PCS; and JTR Vol. For all my guys leaving Korea (or OCONUS) PCSing soon, here's a little tip for your DA31 for a bit of extra leave.

pcs leave oconus