The best time to plant lilies will depend on the type of lily. How to plant lilies.
They’re bought as bulbs – choose large, firm bulbs – although you can also find potted plants at the garden centre in summer.
We guarantee all lily bulbs to be true to name and blooming size when shipped. When to plant lilies. Lilies can also be forced into flower for an indoor display. Plant lily bulbs 6-8" deep in spring or early summer. Most bulbs do best when planted two-and-a-half to three times deeper than they are tall. Before you start growing your lily bulbs you can choose the varieties of lilies that you like the most to have in your garden. As a bulb, the lily needs special care and early attention if you wish to have blooms in the correct season. Their blooms face upward and don't usually have a scent. Bulbs will benefit from extra winter protection if planted deeper. The elegant, showy blooms of lilies are enhanced by their bright or delicate colors and some by their heady fragrance. The best time to plant lily bulbs is either early spring or mid- to late fall.
Our Lilies are great cut flowers and gorgeous in beds. Lilies look very nice when planted in groups of 3-5 bulbs, space them about12 inches apart so they have room to grow.
Ideally plant in early autumn, although bulbs can be planted until spring. For this reason, it’s important to plant lilies as soon as possible, so they don’t dry out.
Martagon lily originated in the mountains, and is quite hardy, but as always, it is preferable to avoid days of freezing when planting. Plant these bulbs at a depth of more or less 4 to 6 inches (10 to 15 cm) , or 2 to 3 times the height of the bulb. Unlike tulips and daffodils, lily bulbs do not have a protective covering. Bulbs are packed in vermiculite, sawdust or peat moss, which can be mixed with the soil at planting time. Miss Lucy Double Oriental Lily. A little mold on the outer scales is … Potted lilies must have at least 12cm of soil above the bulb. Asiatic Lilies have bold blooms in colors of red, yellow, orange, pink, white or multi-color. Planting Lilies. Planting and Growing Lily Bulbs. Once you find the perfect one for you then you are ready to plant your bulbs. Lily bulbs are planted from fall to spring while avoid periods of deep cold. Bulbs commonly sold for forcing include Asiatic hybrids, L. auratum, L. longiflorum and L.speciosum. Handle the Bulbs With Care. Lilies can be planted from late autumn until early April. 3c. OUR GUARANTEE. Small lily bulb varieties should be planted 2- to 4-inches deep, and larger lily bulb varieties should be planted 6-inches deep. We've made these rare Lily plants easy to grow by offering them as sturdy transplants.
When planting, handle them gently to avoid breaking off the scales. Lilies bloom in early to mid-spring depending on the type. Find Lily bulbs that are elegant rose-like beauties that can withstand the heat available at Burpee seeds. After the first year they will rebound from the transplant and perform well. Everyone loves lilies.Planting Asiatic lilies (Lilium asiatica) in the landscape provides the earliest lily bloom.Asiatic lily care is simple once you’ve learned how to grow Asiatic lilies.
The secret to beautiful, long-lasting blooms is learning the right way to plant Asiatic lilies. How to plant bulbs. Includes easy-to-follow information about siting and spacing bulbs, best planting times, proper watering, pest and disease control, and end of season care. How to grow Lilies, including Asiatic, Oriental, Species, Tiger and Turk's Cap. Perennial lily plants are easy to grow from bulbs. Planting spring bulbs isn’t difficult, but there are some rules of green thumb you should follow when you plant bulbs. Each bulb is labeled on the bag, indicating the same basic information you will find in the catalog including height, bloom time and color. Burpee