
Pō (போ) means go, depart or begone. porridge is good for health; porridge can be easily prepared; கஞ்சி, கூழ், குழம்பு It is becoming very common to relocate to another country or state.

This poha cereal mix also has roasted gram dal and nuts, hence its loaded with protein which helps in healthy weight gain for babies and kids. m (Or पोवा) A troop (of pilgrims, emigrants, beggars). Can be given to baby after 7 months
Vikatan owns Various print magazines like Ananda vikatan, Junior Vikatan, Aval vikatan, Nanayam vikatan, Doctor Vikatan, Vikatan Thadam are published in digital format on vikatan.com Human translations with examples: lol, poha, அவல், தமிழில் பொருள், தமிழ் ஜிபிஆர்எஸ், par பொருள் தமிழில். Important English Words with Meanings and Examples in Tamil language. You may need to know the names of the spcies in other languages so that you will not miss your culture of food and recipe Ex. Human translations with examples: dudu, thondu, vil ambu, blak gond, in poha meaning, losu mean in tamil. Tamil Meaning porridge meaning in tamil a type of food made with oatmeal or any type of cereal boiled in water or even wirh milk porridge tamil meaning example. Poha is a nutritious snack made from beaten rice. A PO is a court order made under section 12 of the POHA against a harasser to stop harassing/stalking the victim and/or remove any publication that is the cause of harassment. Contextual translation of "poha meaning in tamil" into Tamil. Expedited Protection Order (EPO) An EPO has the same effect as a PO, but is granted under section 13 of the POHA where the circumstances require an urgent intervention. Meaning of 'poha' m (Or pova) A troop (of pilgrims, emigrants, beggars).

2 The singular number of pohe q. v. Meaning of पोहा. You can find the list of Indian Spices in English, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Hindi languages. It’s an imperative sentence, commanding a person to leave. Contextual translation of "poha meaning in tamil" into English. Poha Cereal Powder Recipe /beaten rice/flattened rice is an excellent food for babies as its rich in iron , wholesome and easily digestible. to kaṃhi mpoha cukuna ada- margi ṃ kukkatasrami mpatali . In kerala rice flakes are kneaded with coconut and jaggery to make a delicious naadan snack. Vikatan is No.1 Tamilnadu news publisher.