[low-pitched 'space' voice] I'm proud of you, son. BECAUSE I'M A POTATO. I like your style. "Don't Do It - Portal 2" is a high quality rip of "Don't Do It" from Portal 2. As per the title, fired up coop on Portal 2 after a long time (new partner) and was stuck in the opening section of the initial chamber where it requires you to wave at your partner. Dad! Portal 2 Sounds | GLaDOS: Don't do it. I'm in space!
[normal voice] Dad, are you space? Now we are a family again. Ha! SPAAACCCCCE! [low-pitched 'space' voice] Yes.
(It's the series of chambers that grants a player the "Professor Portal" achievement if you have done it but your partner hasn't.)
You make up your own rules, just like me. "Pull me out pull me out pull me out pull me out Leave me in leave me in."