Consumer attitute towards online shopping and their satisfation 1. The literatures so far reviewed relates to the studies conducted outside India especially in the United States where the online shopping is a big hit.
towards online shopping is a prominent factor affecting actual buying behavior. Figure 1: Factors affecting online consumer behaviour towards shopping Understanding the perceived risk of a prospective buyer. 123 Is acceptable in quality and form To assess the behavior of consumers towards online shopping in Nairobi County, Kenya. consumers’ online purchase behaviour. The literatures so far reviewed relates to the studies conducted outside India especially in the United States where the online shopping is a big hit. 123 Is acceptable in quality and form “Consumer Attitude towards Online Shopping in Selected Regions of Gujarat” Prof. Ashish Bhatt1 Abstract The growing use of Internet in India provides a developing prospect for online shopping. this basis that the study investigated the effectiveness of online advertising based on a consumer sample from University of Nairobi to determine the relationship between advertising and consumer behaviour. The specific objectives of the research included: 1.
If E-marketers know the factors affecting online Indian behavior, and the
They feel
There are number of factors One stream of research under online consumer behavior consists of studies that handle the variables influencing these intentions. Analysing the process that the online consumer goes through when deciding and making a This is to certify that the project report titled A study on “Consumer Perception toward online shopping” Submitted by XYZ Reg No. 1 A DISSERTATION ON “CONSUMER ATTITUDE TOWARDS ONLINE SHOPPING AND THEIR SATISFACTION” Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow for the partial fulfillment for the Degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (BATCH 2015-2017) Submitted to: Mrs. Monika Arora Dr. Vishal Bishnoi Project … Theories of Consumer Behaviour 8.
Types of Buying Behaviour 6. (ACNielsen Report on Global Consumer Attitudes towards Online Shopping, 2007). Kapoor (2012), online decision making and online shopping phenomena are governed by a number of consumer acceptance and behavior characteristics and grounded in theoretical aspects of consumer decision making.
This study focuses on factors that influence female online-shopping behaviour. Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour 4. Family Role Structure and Buying Behaviour/Buying Roles 5. The studies on consumer’s perception on online shopping and other rented topic in the Indian context are limited as the online shopping has entered into the market only a few years only. consumer attitudes influence the adoption of IT, especially e-commerce. “Consumer Attitude towards Online Shopping in Selected Regions of Gujarat” Prof. Ashish Bhatt1 Abstract The growing use of Internet in India provides a developing prospect for online shopping. A Study on Consumer Perception Toward Online Shopping *Vikash1, Vinod Kumar2 1.2(Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, India) Corresponding Author: Vikash Abstract With the development of modern technology, people’s way of … Psychology of Consumers 3.
1. Comparative Study of Online and Offline Shopping: ... project report was framed. A compilation of some of the determinants researchers have Types of Decision Process 7. As
Keywords: Online shopping, consumer attitude, perceived usability, security, privacy, after-sales service, marketing mix, reputation. The current and past research area of e-