He said, "The redemption money is paying for the wall," and every bit of that eight-word phrase is wrong. Four Migration Policy Institute researchers focused on the United States have also never "heard of the use of the term 'redemption' in the immigration context," said Michelle Mittelstadt, the think tank's communications director.
Money appropriated by Congress and money diverted from the Department of Defense is paying for construction of the wall, not immigrants." Trump is paying for the wall with a combination of US taxpayer money Congress has allocated to the project and funding he is diverting from the military. It's not paying for the wall. Immigration New Zealand Online Services Apply online Select one of the options below to apply for a working holiday visa. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, 31% of such families use the SNAP program and more than 50% of Central American families in the U.S. use at least one welfare program. Redemption involves the return of mutual fund shares or the return of money invested in a fixed-income security when it matures. “The redemption money is paying for the wall.” Facts First : Experts on immigration policy told CNN they had no idea what the term “redemption money” means. A money market redemption is the act of converting money market fund shares to cash. The plan was never enacted, and we've heard nothing about it. The redemption of money market funds from your brokerage account or bank is generally both quick and easy, and it can be done over the internet or by phone. “The redemption money is paying for the wall.” Facts First: Experts on immigration policy told CNN they had no idea what the term “redemption money” means.