How Remote Pair Programming Works. Remote pair programming is not very different from traditional pair programming. Remote pair programming doesn’t have to replace pair programming in person, either. VS Code is about one or two updates away from entirely killing any reason to use your software. Thus I practice remote pair programming, using video conferencing and computer screen sharing technologies to pair program with my colleagues 8 hours each day, 40 hours per week. It’s an effective way to make the most of working from home while still saving time and being more productive. Motepair is a Atom editor package, that enables remote pair programming using Github’s editor.. In this post, I’ll show you what you need to set up Visual Studio Code for remote pair programming. We pair juniors with senior devs and we don't want to loose a whole bunch of productivity having to deal with pushing and pulling every change we make. Remote pair programming is an Extreme Programming (XP) methodology which is a part of the Agile software development model. In pair programming, you and another software developer (or aspiring software developer) sit together in front of a computer and take turns writing code using just one keyboard. It takes the principle of pair programming to the remote workplace. The goal is to not use any other app such as Slack or FaceTime for calls and messaging. Pair programming leads to higher quality code and fewer bugs by making continuous code reviews and synchronous collaboration possible. This means that I am literally on video all workday, and thus available for “face to face” chats with whoever happens to need me. But, I’m remote. It binds two or more atom editors, in the way that actions like opening/closing files, switching tabs, selection, mouse moving, insertion and deletions get replied to the others editors. The person typing on the keyboard is called the Driver. This is a deal breaker for my company.