Bird Hide at Oxwich and .. Its mixed geology has given rise to a wide variety of scenery in a relatively small landscape area. Welcome to Gower. Available to license for commercial, advertising broadcast and editorial use on Robert Gower August 2012 At the start of out brief trip we spent an amazing, though wet morning with Illtud Llyr Dunsford of Charcutier Lt d and his wonderful Mangalitsa pigs and I was very excited to be given some of his rare breed pork to take away and marry with our foraged salt marsh vegetables. To limit numbers and keep everyone safe, you can only visit by booking tickets in advance. The cuisine of Gower, a peninsula in south Wales, is based on ingredients grown, raised or collected on or around the peninsula.The cuisine is based on fresh ingredients with recipes based around a fish or meat dish.

Find high quality stock photos of salt marshes, people, cultures and places from around the world from popular tourist destinations to remote regions. The Gower Peninsula is about 29 km long by 8 km wide and, in many ways, represents a microcosm of the very best of British countryside. The Peninsula’s richly varied natural environment is renowned for its heathland, limestone grassland, fresh- and salt-water marshes, dunes and oak woodlands. The Gower Peninsular is approximately 20 miles long by 5 miles wide, it contains 6 Castles, 22 Churches (and 23 other places of worship) Oystemouth Castle, Pennard Castle, Oxwich Castle, Penrice Castle, Weobley Castle and Clyne Castle. A lot of places are now fully booked up to 21 June, but we release new tickets … Gower is a bird watchers paradise with such varied habitat Sea cliffs Intertidal estuary and salt marsh Freshwater marshes Broadleaf and conifer woodland Farmland interspersed with hedgerows and copses Open moorland And lowland heath. We've started to open some gardens and parks in England and Northern Ireland. Until the twentieth century, the peninsula was virtually cut off from other markets due to poor roads, and no rail connection. The Gower Peninsula (Penrhyn Gŵyr) is both beautiful and unspoilt, there are many historic features located over an area that measures just sixteen miles by seven miles wide.

There are wide sandy beaches, dramatic cliffs, historic woodlands, salt marshes and open moors, all of which are interspersed with picturesque villages, country inns, castles, ancient churches and neolithic burial chambers. Notably, Gower was one of the first places designated 'An Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty' under the Act of 1949.

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