Calculate the schwarzschild radius of a proton 2. Keywords: black holes, Schwarzschild radius, proton, strong force, anomalous magnetic moment 1. How does that compare to the size of an atom? This proportion is … We use a semi-classical analogy between strong interactions and the gravitational force under the Schwarzschild condition. We find that only a very small percentage (̃10-39%) of the vacuum fluctuations available within a proton volume need be cohered and converted to mass-energy in order for the proton to meet the Schwarzschild condition. In plain English, this is 885 million metric tonnes. The ‘Schwarzschild proton’ is a black hole with a mass of 8.85 x 10 14 gm. The Schwarzschild Proton. In plain English, this is 885 million metric tonnes. [Edit by bcrowell, 19/08/2013: this web page provides a very detailed discussion, and offers heavy criticism.]

In Einstein's theory of general relativity, the Schwarzschild metric is the solution to the Einstein field equations that describes the gravitational field outside a spherical mass, on the assumption that the electric charge of the mass, angular momentum of the mass, and universal cosmological constant are all zero. Schwarzschild radius definition: nounThe radius of a collapsing celestial object at which gravitational forces require an escape velocity that exceeds the velocity of light, resulting in a black hole.Origin of Schwarzschild radius After Originally at The Resonance Project; archived here by the Wayback Machine on 20/02/2012.

Nassin Haramein.

The next question has us compare it to the radius of a proton, 0.8fm, so I'm guessing my answer should be somewhere around … approximately 50 MeV for a proton (and 0.03 MeV for an electron), the time of the strong interaction is 10 23 s.14 Therefore, the frequency of the Schwarzschild proton system is f 1 t (9) or f 1.806 1022 Hz, which is within the measured gamma ray emission frequencies of the atomic nucleus. Introduction We examine some of the fundamental issues related to black hole physics and the amount of potential energy available from the vacuum.


[Edit by bcrowell, 19/08/2013: this web page provides a very detailed discussion, and

We review our model of a proton that obeys the Schwarzschild condition. How does it compare to the size of a proton? R = (2MG)/c^2 3. The Schwarzschild Proton Nassim Haramein The Resonance Project Foundation P.O. Calculate your Schwarzschild radius. The Photon sphere lies within the dark shadow (which has a radius of 2.6 times the Schwarzschild radius). The solution is a useful approximation for describing slowly rotating astronomical objects … Schwarzschild radius, the radius below which the gravitational attraction between the particles of a body must cause it to undergo irreversible gravitational collapse. We The reason this mass is chosen is that it’s the mass that a black hole would need to have in order for it

The Schwarzschild Proton. That is, find the mass of the object you're worried about, divide it by the mass of the sun (in the same units) and multiply the result by 3000 meters.

b) a proton. HW 2 Solutions - Schwarzschild Radii To find the Schwarzschild radius, multiply the mass (in solar masses) by 3 km. The reason this mass is chosen is that it’s the mass that a black hole would need to have in order for it to have the same Schwarzschild radius as a proton – hence the >name. This proportion is equivalent to that between gravitation and the strong force where gravitation is thought to be ∼10−38 to 10−40 … We review our model of a proton that obeys the Schwarzschild condition. Question: Calculate the Schwarzschild radius of a black hole with the mass of a) the Sun. Box 764, Holualoa, Hi 96725, (808) 325 -0070 Draft Paper Abstract We review our model of a proton that Nassin Haramein. I plugged in m= 1.67E-27, G=6.67E-11 and c=3E-8 and got out an answer of 2.5E-54.

A photon sphere [1] or photon circle [2] is an area or region of space where gravity is so strong that photons are forced to travel in orbits. Originally at The Resonance Project; archived here by the Wayback Machine on 20/02/2012. The ‘Schwarzschild proton’ is a black hole with a mass of 8.85 x 10 14 gm.

We find that only a very small percentage (∼10−39%) of the vacuum fluctuations available within a proton volume need be cohered and converted to mass‐energy in order for the proton to meet the Schwarzschild condition. We include a scaling law and find that the Schwarzschild proton data point lies near the least squares trend line for organized matter. This phenomenon is thought to be the final fate of the more massive This seems ridiculously small, but I can't figure our if I'm doing something wrong or if it really is just that tiny.

schwarzschild radius of a proton