If you have come to me seeking guidance, then perhaps I can help you find what you seek." Saulteaux branch of the Ojibwe. The location of this NPC is unknown. In the Tenacity Hunter Pets category. All druids at one point seek the spirit's wisdom, and you shall be no exception. In the northwest part of Moonglade resides the home of a wise and noble being we call the Great Bear Spirit. This bear holds a Petal Wand and wears a Petal Belt. Spirit Bear Spirit Bear  is one of the seven permanent quest bears to be accessed in the game, the others being Black Bear, Brown Bear, Mother Bear, Panda Bear, Science Bear, and Polar Bear.

"Monidoo Mukwa" means "Spirit Bear". "Greetings, my young friend. Arcturis is a level 73 - 82 Rare NPC that can be found in Grizzly Hills.

In the Spirit Beast NPCs category. A spirit beast is a family of exotic tenacity pets in World of Warcraft. This site makes extensive use of JavaScript. Saulteaux branch of the Ojibwe.

You must have at least 35 bees to reach Spirit Bear. They are tamable by hunters starting at level 69. The bear spirit looks upon you with a calm and peaceful gaze. "Monidoo Mukwa" means "Spirit Bear". Exotic Family : You must be specced as a Beast Master of at least level 65 to tame and use Spirit Beasts! You hear a voice speak to you as though it was coming from the bear, but the creature makes no indication that it is speaking. For all druids, it has served as a tutor and mentor into the first true natural understanding of the bear.

spirit bear wow