phrase of blessing used on momentous occasions ; Example Sentences "May you go from strength to strength." Bible > Strong's > Hebrew > 8633 8633. toqeph Strong's Concordance. "El" (spelled with the Hebrew letters Aleph and Lamed) is the word with a root meaning "strength, might, or power" as seen in biblical context where it is used as a title assigned to identify God. Religious: Jews who are engaged in religious observance and have some Jewish education. toqeph: power, strength, energy. strength . strength in Hebrew - Translation of strength to Hebrew from Morfix dictionary, the leading online English Hebrew translation site, with audio pronunciation, inflections, synonyms, example sentences, Hebrew Nikud (punctuation), encyclopedia and more For thousands of years, the Jewish people have prayed the “Shema” (pronounced sheh-mah) – a daily prayer of devotion to God. Regions. . Every nation, rich or poor, has its strengths and weaknesses.

Learn more. Textual Hebrew, English.

The Meaning of “Strength” in Hebrew. strength in Hebrew translation and definition "strength", English-Hebrew Dictionary online. Original Word: תֹּקֶף Part of Speech: Noun Masculine Transliteration: toqeph Phonetic Spelling: (to'-kef) Definition: power, strength, energy. .

from strength to strength Definitions. IPA: /ˈstɹɛŋθ/; Type: verb, noun; Copy to clipboard; Details / edit; . Etymology. Languages of Origin.
חוזק { noun masculine } quality of being strong. The Hebrew word me'od in the famous shema prayer will give us some insight.
— מָעוֺז see עוז . translation of מחיל אל חיל mekhayil el khayil (Psalms 84:7) Who Uses This. thou hast founded strength, or a stronghold (for thy defence, compare v b), so Ew De Hup Kau Sch Che Dr, compare Du; > praise Vrss Bae.

Watch the video above and talk about it with a group or mentor. What does it mean to love God "with all of your strength"? Word Origin from taqeph Definition power, strength, energy NASB Translation authority (2), power (1). NAS Exhaustive Concordance. 2c): Psalm 8:3 out of the mouth of babes .

strength in hebrew