Virasana is a Sanskrit word that translates into Hero Pose. The arms rest on the floor to either side of the trunk, with the palms facing up. The arms rest on the floor to either side of the trunk, with the palms facing up. The conventional hero is the kind who fights for the world. He sits still only once he has conquered his enemy. This pose elongates the chest, making breathing easier and deeper. Right, because you’re flexing the knee completely. In English commonly called as “Sleeping thunderbolt pose”, a variation of this is “Supta Virasana” a “Reclining Hero Pose”. So, when we go into supta virasana, and I’m going to tie it back in to the question of the muscles across the knee being stretched. While many of the oldest mentioned asanas are indeed seated postures for meditation, asanas may be standing, seated, arm-balances, twists, inversions, forward bends, backbends, or reclining in prone or supine positions.. It is called as Reclining Hero Pose in English. Supta Virasana is a reclined version of virasana where the upper body reclines backwards, so that the back rests on the floor. Relevant text. See also (Relevant definitions) Partial matches: Vira, Supta, Asana. Supta Virasana Benefits For Better Blood Circulation This Yoga mostly focuses on pressure points in lower parts of the body and spreads in the upper parts of the body. In Sanskrit “Supta” means “Lying down” or “Reclining”, and “Vajra” means “Iron and steel” Asana’s meaning is pose. Supta Virasana is a reclined version of Vajrasana where the upper body reclines backwards, so that the back rests on the floor. The yogic hero is meant to overcome his/her … by Himanshu Joshi: In Sanskrit “Supta” means “Lying down” or “Reclining”, and “Vajra” means “Iron and steel”… Asana’s meaning is pose. He protects and safeguards his own. In English commonly called as “Sleeping thunderbolt pose”, a variation of this is “Supta Virasana” a “Reclining Hero Pose”. For people with chronically tight deep hip extensors (gluteus maximus and hamstrings), this pose can be especially challenging, but also very helpful when practiced mindfully.In this asana, the legs are in powerful internal rotation with the ankles in extreme plantar flexion.The knees are at there most extreme point of … Origin of supta virasana (horizontal hero position) The Sanskrit word supta means “lying” and vira means “warrior”, “hero” or “triumphator.” Asana is another word for ‘(sitting) posture’ and forms the third phase of the eightfold yoga path of Patanjali ( Yoga-Sutras ). It is a decent condition to make supplementary blood flow in the body regulating blood circulation. Discover the meaning of suptavirasana in the context of Yoga from relevant books on Exotic India . An asana is a posture, whether for traditional hatha yoga or for modern yoga; the term is derived from the Sanskrit word for 'seat'. Supta virasana is considered an intermediate supine hip opener. Supta Virasana – Reclining Hero Pose Introduction: Supta Virasana is derived from the combination of the Sanskrit words Supta(Reclined), Vira(Hero), and asana (posture or pose). In a posture like supta virasana, it’s true, the first resistance you’re going to come across is going to be the knee extenders, basically the quadriceps. Supta ~ or Supta Virasana Other Notes: This is not a deep backbend for experienced yogis who are already very open in the lower back; however, this pose does work many areas at once: ankles, knees, quadriceps , hip flexors, sacrum and lumbar, and shoulders. It stretches the thighs, knees and the ankles, and relaxes the legs, abdominal organs and pelvic region. No search results for Suptavirasana, Supta-vira-asana, Suptavīrāsana, Supta-vīra-āsana; (plurals include: Suptavirasanas, asanas, Suptavīrāsanas, āsanas) in any book or story. Supta Virasana (SOUP-tah veer-AHS-uh-nuh) is a restorative pose.