1 favs Latest Favs. No one has rated this game yet. This topic is all about the subject of plate tectonics, which revolutionised the study of earth science. Edit. Plates & Boundaries. USA. Select the data set of your choice to play games. Average score for this quiz is 6 / 10.Difficulty: Average.Played 6,804 times. The flow of the mantle causes tectonic plates to move in different directions.
This activity lets you manipulate tectonic plates. 449 Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes and Volcanoes Related Review Games Multiple titles with the same name do not contain duplicate test data. Play this game to review Science. As of Jun 11 20. Earth's thin outer shell is broken into big pieces called tectonic plates.
Candy Bar Tectonics. These plates fit together like a puzzle, but they're not stuck in one place. As you can see, some of the plates contain continents and others are mostly under the ocean. Play. This is a fun activity that helps students understand the fundamentals of shifting plates and how these shifts in the Earth's core affect the Earth's crust.
You: Your computer opponents: You. Latest Players. 6 questions. Closely examine the map below, which shows the 15 major tectonic plates. Wegener thought the continents moved because of fossils of the same organisms are found on widely separated continents. Isabella. Rating. too few (you: not rated) Latest Ratings. Pull the plates apart and push them together and watch what happens to the Earth.
Plate Tectonics Jeopardy Game No teams 1 team 2 teams 3 teams 4 teams 5 teams 6 teams 7 teams 8 teams 9 teams 10 teams Custom Press F11 Select menu … avg time to finish the game is . Likes / Favorites. Plate Tectonics I: Evidence for a Revolution Plate Tectonics II: Plates, Plate Boundaries, and Driving Forces Both readings are available at Visionlearning During short lectures, I use maps created from UNAVCO's Jules Verne Voyager Junior, and I direct students there … Pick the locations or names of Earth's tectonic plates . Elsa. Denmark. The earth's continents are constantly moving due to the motions of the tectonic plates. Play Count. vs. Sam. They are floating on Earth's mantle, a really thick layer of hot flowing rock.
Wegener’s … Tectonic Plates Map quiz.
Download Plate Tectonics - Enables you to perform simulations and experiments involving tectonic plates and how they interact with each other, with various changeable variables Alvaro1608 faved it 5 years ago. Students are introduced to the theory of plate tectonics and explore how the theory was developed and supported by evidence.
Statistics for the game Tectonic Plates. Sweden. Game Play. Played 11 times.