The Andromeda Galaxy is the only other (besides the Milky Way) spiral galaxy we can see with the naked eye. If I remember the physics correctly, so-called starburst galaxies are in that state because of gravitational interactions with other, nearby galaxies: vast clouds of hydrogen get perturbed, regions of the clouds get compressed to higher densities, denser matter means stronger local gravity, which pulls in even more matter...and there you have it.
Hubble's original classification of galaxy types was published in 1936 in a book called "The Realm of the Nebulae". Starburst galaxies are one type of irregular galaxy that has many bright new stars. Suppose that galaxy B is twice as far from Earth as galaxy A. Hubble’s law predicts that galaxy B will be moving away from Earth with approximately _____.
Glossary of Astronomy Terms The universe is a large place full of wondrous and unimaginable things. Answer: A starburst might end by simply using up all the available gas to form stars or it may end by the combined effect of many supernovae driving a wind that blows all the gas out of the galaxy. Since then several people have suggested modifications and additions to his original scheme, but the basic idea of his "tuning fork diagram" has continued to be useful for astronomers. Galaxies undergoing such a burst of star formation are called starburst galaxies and they can be the among the most luminous of galaxies. Messier 82 (a starburst in the M81 group) Though typical galaxy collisions take place over what to us seems a long timescale, they are short compared to … Here is where to look during the month of November: Start at the northeast corner of the Great Square of Pagasus - the constellation Andromeda forms a "handle" attached to the northeast corner of the "bowl" formed by the Great Square. The amateur astronomy hobby contains words, labels, and technical terms that may seem be a little confusing for both beginners and the more experienced hobbyists. Elliptical galaxies are sub-classified according to how flat they are. The number next to the ``E'' in the tuning fork diagram = 10×(largest diameter - smallest diameter) / (largest diameter), so an E7 galaxy is flatter than an E0 galaxy.