Life is art so people are artists, I think.
This conference will explore iconoclasm and text destruction in the ancient Near Eastern antiquity through examination of the anthropological, cultural, historical and political aspects of these practices. Tradition may turn out to be not so much a model of the past that is inseparable from its interpretation in the present, as a set of practices that presuppose “today” as a part of unfinished time. ... We cannot then see the worlds of art and science as so inseparable but rather as fields of available knowledge and practices that are open to us. A tomb is a house, chamber or vault for the dead. Hindu sculpture, as seen in other forms of Hindu art, reflects this plurality of beliefs. Its roots are ancient, universal and identifiable as a language for mental, emotional and spiritual healing. The excerpt below is Section IV of Chapter One, “Definition of Religious Phenomena and of Religion.” The chapter concludes with the following definition of religion: We arrive thus at […] Famous tombs around the world include the Egyptian tombs, Jesus’ burial ground in Jerusalem, the Prophet’s Mosque and many more. New York: The Free Press (Simon & Schuster), 1995 [1912], pages 39-44. The Amarna Period in Egyptian history is a spectacular time filled with mystery, regardless of the massive research and analysis of Egyptologists and layman enthusiasts. I think the relationship of art to practice is very important. It was intentional. Translated and with an Introduction by Karen E. Fields. Art for mental health is not new, but has only relatively recently been recognised. Thinking About Tradition, Religion, and Politics in Egypt Today. This is why, especially to the untrained eye, their art appears extremely static—and in terms of symbols, gestures, and the way the body is rendered, it was. The Egyptians were aware of their consistency, which they viewed as stability, divine balance, … Because religion played such a significant role in all of Egypt's history, the period becomes a grand anomaly worthy of such focus. Excerpt from Emile Durkheim’s The Elementary Forms of Religious Life. The Role of Architecture in Humanity’s Story. Because religion and culture are inseparable with Hinduism, recurring symbols such as the gods and their reincarnations, the lotus flower, extra limbs, and even the traditional arts make … Mental Health and Art in Prehistory. Moreover, modern comprehension of iconoclasm is strongly influenced by its conception during the Reformation.