Ooui easily integrates and has some really nice extensions. In simpler words, there are applications whose same codebase can be used by multiple brands simply by configuring the application with the desired branding.

Building an ASP.NET Core Website with Xamarin.Forms, XAML, and Ooui ... That is right you can straight up use an ASP.NET Core 2.0 web application!

Those colors are now available by name to be used throughout the application. There are a few NuGets that we will want to add to our ASP.NET Core application: Cree aplicaciones móviles inteligentes basadas en la nube que se puedan escalar a medida que los usuarios crezcan. UISleuth is a UI (or Visual) inspector for your Xamarin Forms application at runtime.
Google project creation for Xamarin.Forms applications. It was built with Xamarin.Forms with full shared code 95% and 5% platform specific code used to import data, images section and some another sections. If I’ve missed something, go ahead and add it in the comments. As of the time of this post, it only support Android on Windows in Visual Studio. It allows you to see in realtime, the UI of your Xamarin Forms application, dive deep into its properties and change them in real time. This blog described and discussed techniques for increasing the performance of Xamarin.Forms applications.

“White-label apps are applications built by a white or private label app development company and rebranded and resold by other businesses”. The “BackgroundColor” has been assigned to the background of the view, and the “TitleColor” to the label you see on screen.
Use .NET Core con Visual Studio para crear API y flujos de trabajo sin servidor que pueden responder a eventos de usuario y llegar a audiencias globales al presionar un botón. With this application, you are assured to save time-consumming process of developing mobile point of sale system that support both Android and iOS devices. En este artículo, vamos a ver cómo agregar este nuevo proyecto a una solución existente de Xamarin.Forms, los obstáculos que puedes encontrar así como el estado actual y el futuro de las características de esta nueva plataforma. Application features Las páginas y vistas de la aplicación se asignan a controles nativos en cada plataforma, pero se pueden personalizar para proporcionar una IU específica de la plataforma o para acceder a funciones específicas de la plataforma. Xamarin.Forms permite crear aplicaciones de iOS, Android y Windows con grandes cantidades de código compartido, incluido el código UI o el marcado XAML UI. Introducción El soporte de WPF en Xamarin.Forms ahora está disponible en la Nightly (paquetes previos) de Xamarin.Forms. All of the above applies to Xamarin.Forms as well! In this article, I’m will show you how to create this kind […] Install […] Collectively, these techniques can greatly reduce the amount of work being performed by a CPU, and the amount of memory consumed by an application.

Xamarin.Forms. Docs: Dark Mode for iOS 13 Preview. Add the NuGets.