Conversion Law and Legal Definition Conversion is when someone wrongfully uses property of another for their own purposes or alters or destroys it. n. a civil wrong (tort) in which one converts another's property to his/her own use, which is a fancy way of saying "steals." Conservation law definition, any law stating that some quantity or property remains constant during and after an interaction or process, as conservation of charge or conservation of linear momentum. 3 pages) Ask a question Glossary Conversion. Any unauthorized act that deprives an owner of personal property without his or her consent. Legal definition for CONVERSION: (A) torts. The wrongdoer converts the goods to his or her own use and excludes the owner from use and enjoyment of them. The tort of conversion occurs when one person interferes with the personal property of another, for example by taking it or withholding it without lawful justification. Fraudulent Conversion Law and Legal Definition Fraudulent conversion means the action of taking into possession another man’s money or property and converting or using them fraudulently for one’s own use and benefit or for the use and benefit of a third party to whom the property or money does not belong. Conversion Practical Law UK Glossary 0-384-2499 (Approx.
Conversion definition is - the act of converting : the process of being converted. How to use conversion in a sentence. In an action for conversion, the taking of the property may be lawful, but the retaining of the property is unlawful. The English Common Law early recognized such an act as wrongful and, by the middle of the fifteenth century, allowed an action in Trover to compensate the aggrieved owner.
conversion. See more. Related Content. Conversion includes treating another's goods as one's own, holding onto such property which accidentally comes into the convertor's (taker's) hands, or purposely giving the impression the assets belong to him/her. Conversion. the unlawful turning or applying the personal goods of another to the use of the taker, or of some other person than the, owner; or the unlawful destroying or alt