Liquefaction Potential Map for a part of Weber County, Utah. Geologic map of the Thistle quadrangle, Utah County, Utah – Insight into the structural-stratigraphic development of the southern Provo salient of the Sevier fold-thrust belt, by Parker M. Valora and Jennifer L. Aschoff, CD, 21 p., 3 pl, 2012 Utah Geological Survey Liquefaction Potential Map for a part of Salt Lake County, Utah. Liquefaction Potential Map for Cache Valley Cache County, Utah Utah Geological Survey Public Information Series 79 89 91 142 218 N 1600 E N 7200 W W 6 0 N St W 200 S Stink Creek Rd N 3200 W W 6800 S 23 Smithfield Hyde Park Logan Millville Hyrum Wellsville Mendon Clarkston Trenton 61 Lewiston B e a r R i v e r B o x U E l d e r C o. Copies of this report are available at the Utah … Minerals: map data: USGS: Mineral deposit locations. Liquefaction may occur when water-saturated sandy soils are subjected to earthquake ground shaking. Liquefaction may occur when water-saturated sandy soils are subjected to earthquake ground shaking. Documents in this series may have either UGS or non-UGS authors. This map is for general reference only and was modified from Anderson, L.R., Keaton, J.R., and Bay, JA, 1994, Liquefaction potential map for the northern Wasatch Front, Utah: Utah Geological Survey Contract Report 94-5, 150 p., scale 1:48,000.
These maps provide the basic geologic data necessary to derive geologic-hazard and adverse-construction-condition maps. Liquefaction is one of the major causes of earthquake damage. Earthquake-triggered liquefaction can cause extensive damage and loss of life. The Public Information Series consists of brief topical reports or brochures designed to make nontechnical geologic information available to the general public. This report describes liquefaction-induced lateral spread displacement and vertical ground settlement displacement failure maps developed for a magnitude M7.0 scenario earthquake occurring on the Salt Lake City segment of the Wasatch fault zone in Salt Lake County, Utah.
Liquefaction: map data: UGS: Liquefaction potential for 6 counties along the Wasatch Front. Liquefaction-potential map for a part of Salt Lake County, Utah: Liquefaction-potential map for a part of Davis County, Utah: Places with hazards; a teacher's handbook on natural hazards in Utah: The earthquake hazard in Utah
While Utah has historically experienced liquefaction-producing earthquakes, it has thus far escaped significant damage.
* This is not a liquefaction potential map, because it does not consider the probability of The Public Information Series consists of brief topical reports or brochures designed to make nontechnical geologic information available to the general public. Liquefaction may occur when water-saturated sandy soils are subjected to earthquake ground shaking. Liquefaction in the April 15, 2010, M 4.5 Randolph Earthquake During our scenario earthquake, much of Salt Lake Valley and nearby areas has a potential for large lateral (possibly greater than 1 foot) and vertical (possibly greater than 8 inches) liquefaction-induced ground displacements.
Documents in this series may have either UGS or non-UGS authors.
Liquefaction-potential map for Salt Lake County. Liquefaction-potential map for Davis County. Liquefaction may occur when water-saturated sandy soils are subjected to earthquake ground shaking. Documents in this series may have either UGS or non-UGS authors. Hazardous Industry area, Tooele County, Utah, 1999, by Black and others, Utah Geological Survey Special Study 96 (available at the Natural Resources Map & Bookstore, 1594 W. North Temple, Salt Lake City, UT 84116-3514, 801-537-3320). The hazard maps were developed to aid engineers, Liquefaction-potential map for Davis County.