Kindly help me in this matter. The age old saying is trust takes time to build up but seconds to go away, build trust, do not give him anything to worry about and overtime he will grow to trust you regardless of your past. Archived. Reader’s Question. Maybe your partner doesn’t know what is missing, but something may be causing her to feel insecure about your relationship and/or how she assumes you perceive her. Posted by. Ask Your Own Question! My girlfriend keeps bringing up the past constantly and I don’t know what to do. Close. Like she was showing me her old college ID and mentioned details about some guy she used to bang in college. It affects her and may be causing some trauma in her. Psychologist’s Reply. I have a problem. I know it wasn’t the right way to deal with it and I regret it so much saying that, but now 10 months later she still brings it up. and either goes crying or tries to argue with me. u/PersonalDilema88. If your boyfriend continually brings up your past, while you are trying to be a supreme girlfriend, all you need to do is use the opportunity for reassurance. Past misdemeanours both real and imagined are brought up and levelled against you. She wants to be the dominant partner in the relationship. My Wife Keeps Bringing Up the Past. If you accuse us of flirting with someone, we will remind you of your brazen behaviour with our brother. Acknowledge that past pattern of behavior. She wants you to grovel and keep on apologising in order to keep herself on top in the `pecking order`.
My wife repeatedly talks about past situations (arguments, etc.)
Most likely, when a partner keeps bringing up past issues defensively, they are feeling extremely insecure in the relationship and they aren’t getting something significant that they are needing. Bringing up the past is good for all occasions.
1 year ago. When me and my girlfriend started talking I called my ex pretty because I got jealous over something and I wanted to make her jealous. Girlfriend (30F) keeps bringing up details of her sexual past. It is not fair to my girlfriend or myself for her past always bothering me. 6. Your girlfriend wants to dominate you . I am a 42-year-old male and my wife is 35. First listen to her, acknowledge that you understand that it makes her feel a certain way.
Girlfriend (30F) keeps bringing up details of her sexual past. And on it goes. Whether you feel it’s right or wrong, doesn’t matter. Dr Joseph M Carver, PhD. I don't know why she does this but randomly she will bring up details of her sexual past.