E.) All stars are about the same age. Stellar evolution and the problem of the ‘first’ stars Image NASA The Great Orion Nebula (M42, NGC 1976) is located in the ‘Sword’ part of the constellation of Orion, just below the eastern-most of the three stars that comprise Orion’s belt.
The spheroidal population. Star formation is the process by which dense regions within molecular clouds in interstellar space, sometimes referred to as "stellar nurseries" or "star-forming regions", collapse and form stars. According to models of galaxy formation, which population of stars formed first? What is a starburst galaxy? The star formation rate density increases rapidly from early times to a peak when the universe was about 2 billion years old and then declines.
Intermediate Population I stars are common in the bulge near the centre of our galaxy, whereas Population II stars found in the galactic halo are older and thus more metal-poor.
This immediately suggests that metallicity has evolved through the generations of stars by the process of stellar evolution..
D.) The elliptical population. Population II, or metal-poor, stars are those with relatively little metal. Theoretically, Population III stars would have formed earlier than its …
Population II are found in the galactic bulge, the halo that surrounds our galaxy. A galaxy with a very high rate of star formation. the spheroidal population. C.) The irregular population. The process is ongoing: although galaxy formation is now most-ly complete, galaxies are still assembling into clusters, which are in turn aggregat-ing into a vast filamentary network that stretches across the universe. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. In this first paper of a series of the SIRIUS (SImulations Resolving IndividUal Stars) project, we propose and demonstrate a new stochastic star formation model for star-by-star simulations. galaxy clusters. Using the Hubble Space Telescope, a team of astronomers was able to make an important discovery regarding the formation of the first generation of stars and galaxies in the universe. The spheroidal population. What type of galaxy can result from collisions between galaxies? about 1 billion years.
The First Stars in the Universe ... scientists may find it easier to model the formation of the first stars than to model how stars form at present. According to models of galaxy formation, which population of stars formed first? According to the models of galaxy formation, which population of stars formed first? B.) The spheroidal population. HE1327-2326, a population II star, is speculated to have formed from remnants of earlier Population III stars. According to the models, the first small systems capable of forming stars should have appeared between 100 mil- A.) Approximately 1,500 light years distant, M42 is a very active and turbulent cloud of gas and dust. Globular clusters also contain high numbers of population II stars. a) a few thousand years b) a few million years c) a few billion years … Observation of stellar spectra has revealed that stars older than the Sun have fewer heavy elements compared to the Sun.