Foursquare uses cookies to provide you with an optimal experience, to personalize ads that you may see, and to help advertisers measure the results of their ad campaigns. Read more Diagnostic Imaging & Nuclear Medicine State-of-Art imaging technology across our hospitals. Nuclear scans are often used to find out whether cancer from another place in your body (such as your breast, for instance) has spread to your bones. Since 1959, Radiology and Nuclear Medicine has delivered Excellence in Radiology and Radiation Oncology to Topeka and other communities throughout Northeast Kansas. Pacific St., Seattle, WA 98195 | 206.598.6200 • Check your blood glucose level in the morning after your 12 -hour fast. Associate Director – Nuclear Medicine (Paras Hospitals – Panchkula & SMH Cancer Centre) Dr. Archana Kumari. Patients under the care of a cardiologist or vascular specialist are referred to our department for diagnostic cardiac testing. Outpatient services consists of four departments: Cardiovascular, Nuclear Medicine, Neurodiagnostics (EEG) and the Gastrointestinal (GI) Lab. Department of Imaging Sciences (Radiology) at the University of Rochester Medical Center located in Rochester, NY. Consultant – Radiology (Paras HMRI Hospital – Patna) Dr. Aruna Sumanthini T. Attending Consultant – Radiation Oncology (SMH Cancer Centre – Delhi) Dr. Avinash C.B. Overview Nuclear medicine is a medical specialty involving the application of radioactive substances in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. Specialties include: abdominal imaging, emergency imaging, nuclear medicine, breast imaging, musculoskeletal imaging, pediatric imaging, cardiothoracic imaging, neuroradiology and vascular/interventional.
504-842-9729 (842-XRAY) Monday - Friday: 6:00 a.m. - 9 p.m. All radiologists are board certified with fellowships in pediatrics, cross-sectional imaging, abdominal imaging, neuroradiology, interventional angiography, ultrasound, and nuclear medicine. Read more Comprehensive Oncology Services Best in class Oncology treatments given by our expert consultants. Nuclear Medicine Outpatient Physical Therapy Respiratory Care Routine Radiology Skilled Nursing Care We also now offer Urgent Care Monday - Friday from 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm and Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Our Locations Breckenridge Medical Center SMH Clinic Portal SMH Med Spa Nuclear medicine, in a sense, is "radiology done inside out" or "endoradiology" because it records radiation emitting from within the body rather than radiation that is generated by external sources like X-rays. • Call the Radiology/Nuclear Medicine staff where your scan is SMH MUGA Scan – Nuclear Medicine 1. SMH MUGA Scan – Nuclear Medicine What is a MUGA scan? Page 3 of 5 | PET/CT FDG Scan for Patients with Diabetes .
Previous Next Previous Next Full Hospital Management Solutions End to End solutions for streamlined hospital management and patient care. UWMC Imaging Services | Box 357115 1959 N.E. Most of the programs in nuclear medicine or nuclear medicine technology offered at Florida schools result in an Associate in Science degree, though one school - Barry University in Miami - has a Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Medicine program. Our physicians offer a full range of services from basic x-rays, to the latest treatments and diagnostic services. We perform both invasive and noninvasive procedures, including: 1601 Jefferson Highway New Orleans, LA 70121 Located across from Ochsner Medical Center. Cardiovascular. 1 visitor has checked in at SMH Nuclear Medicine. A Multigated Acquisition (MUGA) scan is a diagnostic nuclear medicine procedure used to assess ventricular function by providing ejection fraction and wall motion.