Historical or past weather forecast page provides historical weather forecast from 1 st July, 2008 till now in 3 hourly interval.
Check How Hot & Sunny It Is Before You Book Your Next Holiday in 2021 to Paro, Bhutan Last 2 weeks of weather.
Annual precipitation ranges widely in various parts of the country. Bhutan has four distinct seasons in a year.
The Indian summer monsoon begins from late-June through July to late-September and is mostly confined to the southern border region of Bhutan. Know what's coming with AccuWeather's extended daily forecasts for Paro, Paro, Bhutan. Please also visit Paro Historical Weather, Weather widget and Weather Charts pages. Paro Extended Forecast with high and low temperatures °F.
Paro Weather in January - Temperature, Rainfall & Sunshine. Text weather page will allow you to get a weather text summary for next 14 days and weather chart page displays weather pattern like temperature, wind speed, gust, pressure, etc. Hi/Low, RealFeel, precip, radar, & everything you need to be ready for the day, commute, and weekend! Up to 90 days of daily highs, lows, and precipitation chances.
2 Week Extended Forecast in Paro, Bhutan.
Even though Bhutan is a year-round destination, climate is certainly a consideration when planning your journey, especially if you are trekking. Get your 3-Day weather forecast for Paro, Paro, Bhutan. Climate - Bhutan Average weather, temperature, rainfall, when to go, what to pack In Bhutan, a small Asian country crossed by the Himalayas, the climate is influenced by altitude : it is subtropical in the lowlands, and becomes progressively colder as you climb the mountains slopes. These rains bring between 60 and 90 percent of the western region's rainfall. Scroll right to see more Conditions Comfort Precipitation Sun; Day Temperature Weather Feels Like Wind Humidity Chance Amount UV Sunrise Sunset; Sun Jun 14: 70 / 55 °F: Rain showers.
Be prepared with the most accurate 10-day forecast for Paro, Bhutan with highs, lows, chance of precipitation from The Weather Channel and Weather.com See weather overview.