— 09:23, 16 February 2015 (UTC) Imagine that you are located in galaxy 1 and observe that both galaxies 2 and 3 are moving away from you. illustration is a typical example of this common misperception. Main Astronomy 123: galaxies and expanding universe (lecture notes) Astronomy 123: galaxies and expanding universe (lecture notes) Schombert J.

Imagine that you are located in Galaxy A and observe that both Galaxies B and C are moving away from you.
Nowadays it is considered to be the established dogma of the expanding big bang universe. Here's a brief rundown of what astronomers think happened. Big Bang theory holds that our universe began 13.7 billion years ago, in a massive expansion that blew space up like a balloon. Categories: Physics.

The current mainstream theories of the metric expansion of space ignore the fact that the proton is a matter wave undergoing an exponentially accelerating self-gravitational blueshift.That is why all current mainstream theories are patent nonsense. Language: english Pages: 225. Am. High-Z …

The Sci. If you asked an observer in galaxy 3 to describe how galaxy 2 appears to move, what would he or she say? Send-to-Kindle or Email . Imagine that you are located in galaxy #1 and observe that both galaxies #2 and #3 are moving away from you. Considerations stemming from a properly constructed four-dimensional "Spacetime Map of the Universe" (see below), however, suggest the "horizon" problem is bogus, resulting from a misinterpretation of how we see the Cosmos generally and at great depths particularly. Consider three widely separated galaxies in an expanding universe. Consider 3 widely separated galaxies in an expanding universe. — 06:55, 16 February 2015 (UTC) Why a new version of the article is needed. Consider three widely separated galaxies in an expanding universe. This means that the space that contains the galaxies is expanding and that the galaxies are essentially stationary in that space, but being dragged apart as the universe expands. If you asked an observer in galaxy #3 to describe how galaxy #2 appears to move, what … “Galaxy 2 is not moving.” “Galaxy 2 is moving toward me.” File: PDF, 7.22 MB Preview. In physical cosmology, cosmic inflation, cosmological inflation, or just inflation, is a theory of exponential expansion of space in the early universe.The inflationary epoch lasted from 10 −36 seconds after the conjectured Big Bang singularity to some time between 10 −33 and 10 −32 seconds after the singularity. If you asked an observer in Galaxy C to describe how Galaxy B appears to move, what would he or …